Oklahoma state university library database search. Search Library Website button.

Oklahoma state university library database search Experts Directory runs on Symplectic Elements, an application which harvests publications and other research activities from major research databases, including Scopus , MLA International Nov 20, 2024 · Search library website. To find a more specialized database, please see the OSU Libraries' Databases A-Z list. The library serves a population of 1,300 FTE Enrollment. Nov 20, 2024 · Open Research Oklahoma, Oklahoma State University's institutional repository, is the online home for theses, dissertations, and research reports. In addition to research guides for citation help, the OSU Library has negotiated and purchased the licenses for two of the most popular software packages of this kind, and we are making it available for free to all OSU users. Connecting Learners to Knowledge. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73107 405-945-3251. Agreements. Students used the digitized archive of the Daily Nov 20, 2024 · For more help using Library Search (EDS EBSCO Discovery Service) at the Oklahoma State University's Edmon Low Library, (EDS EBSCO Discovery Service) at the Oklahoma State University's Edmon Low Library, check out the OSU Library Search Youtube playlist. Make sure the checkboxes next to both Open WorldCat - Nov 20, 2024 · This video tutorial explains how to use the Library search to access online resources. Bennett Memorial Library is an Academic library. treaties, laws and executive orders pertaining to Native American Indian tribes. The Education and Teaching Library provides educational resources, print and online research materials, and readers' advisory assistance to the teacher education students and faculty of the College of Education's School of Teaching and November 14, 2023. Covering virtually every area of academic study, Academic Search Premier offers full text information dating as far back as 1985. Type: Academic. Ask Us . Sep 20, 2024 · Search by author, title, date, genre, reading level, grade level, and other facets. Feb 12, 2024 · Click on Library links; Search for Oklahoma State University - Stillwater; Choose “Oklahoma State University – Stillwater – Full-Text @ OSU Library” Press the save button; If you have any questions, please email libraryhelp@okstate. The USPTO is the federal agency for granting U. Menu Home; Workshops; Software. reference@okstate. Logins. a library of botanical books, Oklahoma State University Stillwater, OK 74078 . We are your resource for computer access, printing, scanning, reading material, audio-visual material, and music. The new “Tribal Treaties Database” is a free public resource Oct 25, 2024 · This multi-disciplinary database offers full text for nearly 2,000 scholarly journals, including more than 1,500 peer-reviewed titles. Kappler, this historically significant, seven volume compilation contains U. To find OSU-Stillwater Library materials, check the Location from our Library website. Launched in 2024, this portal serves as the home for the intellectual output of the university and includes digital dissertations, faculty publications, undergraduate research, open Compiled and edited by Charles J. myOKSTATE Email O-Key Account Canvas. The Engineering National Graduate Institutional Name Exchange (ENGINE) invites Oklahoma State University junior and senior undergraduate engineering students with interest in Ph. 2023-2024. Apply. The library purchases required textbooks for courses in which the required text costs $90 or more. This can help weed out less helpful/trustworthy results. Key Provisions. McKee Library Collection Sep 5, 2024 · Library Services; Search; Popular Guides. edu (580) 327-8574; Pinterest; Twitter; Facebook; Instagram; YouTube; Blog Feed; Mission. Williams Education and Teaching Library is located at 001 Willard Hall. Average annual salary was $37,414 and median salary was $16,189. All 43 volumes of this collection were digitized by the OSU Library in cooperation with the University of Tulsa Law Library and the National Indian Law Library. ) and secondary law (journal articles, treatises, practice materials, etc. Searches can be built using multiple search boxes (as shown below). Here is an example of a subject search on Jan 13, 2025 · In the rare instance that your credentials don’t work, you can try using just the first part of your email as the username (i. The OSU-Tulsa Library Catalog is migrating to a new platform called FOLIO. May 10, 2024 · J. Brooks St Norman, OK 73019 (405 Search Library Website. Brooks St Norman, OK 73019 (405) 325-3341. News . You can browse, search, filter, sort, and compare more than 40,000 Sep 25, 2024 · The Patent and Trademark Resource Center at Oklahoma State University, 501 Edmon Low Library, has been designated by the U nited States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) to support the intellectual property needs of the public. It is located in Room 160 of the Donald W. In a library, a database is a searchable collection of digital information; J. Treaties. OSU Extension. 774. Jan 6, 2025 · This online database contains more than 200 codebooks and standards, both building codes and guidelines to meet the codes. Government treaties with Native Americans from 1778-1883 (Volume II) and U. Ag) - Creative Oklahoma State University Stillwater, OK 74078 (405) 744-6161 | Contact Us . Ask Us Nov 13, 2024 · No matter what library you visit, all library materials are shelved by call number. Martin Library Northwestern Oklahoma State University. Although the database does not contain entries for everything in our collection yet, we are continually adding Oklahoma State University Libraries. Oct 25, 2024 · Oklahoma State University offers access to a wide variety of subject specific databases through the following link: Scopus is a large abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature: scientific journals, books and conference proceedings. If that doesn’t work, try resetting your password. The department's mission is to enhance the usability of digital library services and collections by exploring, creating, maintaining, and improving frameworks for the Oklahoma State University Library community. For assistance on searching by these techniques, please call the library, 405-945-3251; email okc. Search this site; All of Oklahoma State University; Directory A-Z Site Index. Back To Top. 9th St. The OSU PTRC provides The OSU-Tulsa Library is more than just books. National Park Service in partnership with the Center for Great Plains Studies at the Search this site. edu Use the OSU-Tulsa Library Search to find articles, eBooks, books, streaming media and more at the OSU-Tulsa Library. It is the primary mission of the Oklahoma State University - Oklahoma City Library to serve as the intellectual commons of the University, providing high-quality resources, services, and gateways to information to meet the needs of OSU - Oklahoma City's diverse All Oklahoma State University Tulsa Library patrons are welcome to access our databases using one of workstations in the library or through a laptop or handheld device connected to the WiFi network. Interlibrary Services maintains a broad network of institutions that loan and borrow materials from each other. It serves as the home for the intellectual output of those institutions, such as: digital theses and dissertations, faculty publications, open access publications, open educational resources, institution-specific content and much more. edu ); Call: 405-744-9775 Subject Librarians are available to provide in-depth research assistance. Style Guides; Zotero; Citing Government Documents; Creating and managing bibliographies is a lot easier for OSU researchers thanks to the Library. Links & Files. Jun 27, 2023 · J. Nov 15, 2021 · The Oklahoma State University Library is partnering with the United States Department of Agriculture and the Department of the Interior to create the “Tribal Treaties Database. Jan 14, 2025 · The Getty Research Portal™ is a free online search platform providing worldwide access to an extensive collection of digitized art history texts from a range of institutions. Phone: 580-349-1547 Connect to: Library Web Site Online Catalog Library details: Marvin E. "Academic Search Complete is the world's most valuable and comprehensive scholarly, multi-disciplinary full-text database, with more than 5,300 full-text periodicals, including 4,400 peer-reviewed journals. Identify relevant patents using keywords in Google Patents and identify classifications, and then search classifications using USPTO databases Oct 2, 2024 · Education and Teaching LIbrarian 001 Willard Hall Stillwater, Oklahoma 74075 The Oklahoma Biological Survey is both a research unit of the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Oklahoma and a state office. edu Oct 2, 2024 · Experts Directory provides a single point of organization, presentation and up-to-date reporting of scholarly activities across Oklahoma State University. The volumes cover U. What we do: Create compelling, innovative tools for searching, information access, collection presentation, and communication. Ask Us. S. mckeelib instead of mckeelib@opsu. Oct 2, 2024 · The database explores the current literature of architecture and design, covering international, scholarly, and popular periodical writing in its index, with coverage dating back to 1930, and in selective cases back to 1860. Select Settings ⇒ Library links. Morningstar provides independent and in-depth recommendations and research on stocks, mutual funds and exchange traded funds, all in an easy to use, easy to understand format. Oklahoma State The library provides information and technology resources, extensive collections and a quiet place for students to work and study. It provides easy access to cross-referenced collections of building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, fire, and maintenance codes from BOCA, SBCCI, ICBO, ICC, and NFPA. 2022-2023 CONTACT 405-744-9775 (Circulation and Information Desk) 405-744-6321 (Dean’s Office and Library Administration) libraryhelp@okstate. , Alva, OK 73717; nwlibraries@nwosu. Aug 29, 2024 · J. The institutional repository of the University of Oklahoma and Oklahoma State University. OSUIT Library Catalog Search. These efforts secure our enduring legacy of education, research and outreach Our Services (ETL) Educational Databases; For Faculty. Display Jan 8, 2025 · For OSU, click on 'Looking for university employees' on the bottom right and select Oklahoma State University. Locations . Interagency partnership with Oklahoma State University provides valuable Indigenous resource. The collection of the library contains 296,645 volumes. Oct 25, 2024 · EXECUTING YOUR SEARCH STRATEGY IN A SCHOLARLY DATABASE. All of Oklahoma State University; Directory A-Z Site Index. Use the text box to search for "Oklahoma State University" and then select the option that corresponds to the The OKHUB officially joined the DPLA network in 2017 through a partnership between the Oklahoma Department of Libraries, Oklahoma Historical Society, Oklahoma State University Library, and the University of Oklahoma Libraries (). The library circulates 2,239 items per year. TRIBAL TREATIES DATABASE. W. edu; or stop by the reference desk. The University of Oklahoma; OU Libraries; LibGuides; Comprehensive collection of federal and state primary law (cases, statutes, regulation, etc. Library Services aspires to be the central hub of information resources for the Northwestern Jan 14, 2025 · This multi-disciplinary database offers full text for nearly 2,000 scholarly journals, including more than 1,500 peer-reviewed titles. All Calendars; Want to learn to make quick reference lists? Join the OSU-Tulsa Library on February 13th at 3pm via Zoom to learn how to cite Date: Thursday, February 13, 2025 Oklahoma State University - Tulsa LibCal. We'd love to help. Call us: (405) 744-9775 Jul 13, 2023 · J. This open access database is a collaboration between Oklahoma State University, the USDA, the Department of the Interior, and the Department of Defense Legacy Program. edu Nov 15, 2023 · From Oklahoma State University Libraries: The Oklahoma State University Library has partnered with the United States Department of Agriculture, the Department of the Interior and the Department of Defense to build the “Tribal Treaties Database. myOKSTATE and definitions of data items rather than a survey instrument or set of data represented in a database. Launched in 2024, this portal serves as the home for the intellectual output of the university Sep 23, 2024 · A series of short video tutorials covering advanced search tips and techniques for the Oklahoma State University Library Catalog search system, EDS (EBSCO Discovery Service). Vision. Steps to Starting a Patent Search Using Classifications. Off-campus access is limited to current students, faculty, and staff of Oklahoma State University Tulsa, as stipulated in our database license Search Results - Oklahoma State University Open Research Oklahoma is the institutional repository for Oklahoma State University. 900 N. It is the intellectual hub on the Tulsa campus facilitating research and learning with innovative services, technologies, physical and online spaces and content that fosters creation, collaboration and engagement. Monthly features: themed book lists, apps of the month, and author/illustrator interviews. Oct 30, 2024 · For assistance on searching by subject heading, please call the library, 405-945-3251; email okc. Portland, Oklahoma City Oklahoma United States. Media Contact: Bonnie Cain-Wood | Manager, Library Communication Services | 405-744-7331 | lib-pub@okstate. Search library website. Browse by Calendar . ) and international and foreign law. Collections include photography, maps, audio, and video files related to Oklahoma State University along Search. Reynolds School of Architecture Building, south of Boone Pickens Stadium. Oct 2, 2024 · Search the Oklahoma Digital Maps Collection. The video includes information about resources, PDFs, Full Text, and OSU Get Article options. The library serves a population of 3,475 FTE Enrollment. It uses a platform called EBSCO WorldCat Discovery Services - Search the world’s library collections for information about any book or article. Quicklinks. Tuesday, April 16, 2024. Services . University Libraries 401 W. edu (580) 327-8574; Pinterest; Twitter; Digital Resources & Discovery Services 215 Edmon Low Library Stillwater, OK 74078 lib-dls@okstate. CAB (Centre for Agriculture & Bioscience International) Direct has over 12. edu; or stop Whether it is a book in the library catalog or an article in a library database, there will be at least one, and as many as a dozen, subject headings assigned. Monthly Hours. . Kalenda Eaton, Director of the larger Descendants of Oklahoma Black Homesteaders Project funded by the U. The Descendants of Oklahoma Black Homesteaders oral history collection is a partnership between the Oklahoma Oral History Research Program and Dr. Oklahoma State University-Oklahoma City Oklahoma City, OK 73107 (405) 945-3251 | OSUMC Medical Library . Oklahoma State University - Tulsa; Jan 10, 2025 · Site Search Close Site Search Office of Recruitment Admissions and Academic Records Parents & Families Faculty & Staff Community Alumni & Friends The mission of Marvin E. The OKHUB is a DPLA member hub since 2017. Their purpose is to gather, analyze and disseminate information regarding animal and plant forms and ecological communities within the state and associated geographical areas. 5 days ago · The library was named after Marvin E. LibCal. In some cases, Interlibrary Service requests are filled by purchasing materials for the collection. Computers in the Library can access the content of indexes and databases, Welcome to the Education and Teaching Library. The set is at the University of Tulsa College of Law Mabee Legal Information Center and was published by the Native American Rights Fund in 1973. Provide course related orientation to the ETL and the resources available; Create course-specific LibGuides (for example): Search Library Website. Library Catalog shifts to Jun 5, 2024 · By clicking a box you may simultaneously search the TRB Research in Progress database. The OpenOKState program contributes to the success of OSU students, faculty, and the state of Oklahoma by facilitating open, customizable access to meaningful teaching, learning, and research resources and experiences. You may also consult the search resources on the Library's Government Documents page for additional methods of locating government sources. If you want to get fancier, you can limit search results to governmental websites using the site: modifier, for example "oklahoma city gis data site:*. PDF backfiles to 1975 or further are available for well over one hundred journals, and searchable cited references are provided for more than 1,000 titles. University of Alaska Fairbanks, Alaska and Polar Regions, Fairbanks, United States 1992 - Search. CONTACT 405-744-9775 (Circulation and Information Desk) 405-744-6321 (Dean’s Office and Library Administration) libraryhelp@okstate. ; Here is the library directory of people who would be glad to help. Social Science Research Network OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES. Great resources when you need help with research papers at 1:00 am in the morning! Oct 2, 2024 · The OSU Libraries Search allows you to search for print and electronic books, journals, articles, and more. The Oklahoma State University Libraries exist as a resource to expand the learning potential of students and citizens of our state and to enhance the teaching and research capabilities of our faculty. OSU Library hours are subject to change. If none of those work, call Highest salary at Oklahoma State University in year 2024 was $7,212,500. Home . Search this site. " Oct 2, 2024 · Finding GIS data using Google. Library Home; Interlibrary Loan; Database Resources; Research Guides; Tech To-Go; Policies and Procedures; Oklahoma State University Institute of Technology is a recognized leader in applied technology education and is known for world-class Welcome to the Oklahoma State University Library Digital Collections. Resources . Log-in options in a Gale database. For the latest information about library hours, call (918) 594-8130. The collection of the library contains 113,243 volumes. edu Search. You can oftentimes find GIS data using straightforward Google searches, such as "oklahoma city gis data". Library Services aspires to be the central hub of information resources for the Northwestern Search. Home ; Student Life ; OSU-OKC Library ; OSU-Oklahoma City University Library 900 N. Library Services aspires to be the central hub of information resources for the Northwestern CONTACT 405-744-9775 (Circulation and Information Desk) 405-744-6321 (Dean’s Office and Library Administration) libraryhelp@okstate. Solution - OPALS - Polaris - Sierra - Symphony This online history of exhibitions at Oklahoma State University is a digital history project led by Associate Professor Louise Siddons in her Fall 2020 History of American Art course, with the assistance of Digital Scholarship Librarian Megan Macken, who built the database underpinning the site and ran virtual training workshops. A large portion of the more than 5,000 works in the OSU Museum of Art Permanent Collection are now available to view through our online database. More than 10,000 historical maps of Oklahoma are included in the Oklahoma Digital CONTACT 405-744-9775 (Circulation and Information Desk) 405-744-6321 (Dean’s Office and Library Administration) libraryhelp@okstate. “This digital collection has been of great interest to citizens of Jan 14, 2025 · Academic Search Premier This multi-disciplinary database offers full text for nearly 2,000 scholarly journals, including more than 1,500 peer-reviewed titles. Explore the journals and magazines available through OSU-OKC's library, offering a wide range of academic and professional resources. These textbooks are available for a 2-hour checkout period, which ensures that as many students can benefit as possible. For more help using Library Search (EDS EBSCO Discovery Service) at the Oklahoma State University's Edmon Low Library, check out the OSU Library Search Youtube playlist. BROWSE BY. Oklahoma State University. Oct 7, 2024 · Our catalog interface, WorldCat Discovery, can simultaneously search our library shelves, our eBook collections, most of our online research databases, and other libraries all over the world. ArcGIS Pro ; ArcGIS Online ; ArcGIS Desktop Education Edition ; Southwestern Oklahoma State University 100 Campus Drive, Weatherford, Oklahoma 73096 580. patents and registering federal trademarks. Search Library Website button. The library circulates 6,951 items per year. You can also build your search using a single search box (as shown below). Portland Jan 14, 2025 · The John Rex Cunningham Architecture Library is a branch of the OSU Library. ” This free public resource is available at treaties. 3 days ago · Now included in the ProQuest One Business database, this resource covers business and management topics with information on more than 60,000 companies through journals, newspapers, executive profiles, reports on market conditions, and in-depth case studies of global business trends. Apr 16, 2024 · Open Research Oklahoma launches. Oct 30, 2024 · Craft more effective search queries using AI chatbots like Claude and ChatGPT; Apply AI-generated search strategies in Scopus and other library databases; Explore additional AI tools that support various aspects of the research process; Why it matters: For researchers at all levels, AI-powered discovery tools offer significant advantages: Jun 27, 2023 · J. Advanced search. Oklahoma State University Institute of Technology is a recognized leader in applied technology education and is known for world-class teaching facilities Oct 2, 2024 · Edmon Low Library's textbook initiative is a program designed to help students deal with the increasing cost of textbooks. edu). Data is from the Office of Management and Enterprise Services and is updated annually. Search for a specific Journal by title/keyword or look up a citation. Morningstar Investment Research Center is an all-inclusive investment research database designed specifically for libraries. and Master’s engineering programs to register online and answer all of the following questions. The Edmon Low Library, which sits at the heart of campus, has served as the home of the main collection Sep 23, 2024 · A series of short video tutorials covering basic search tips and techniques for the Oklahoma State University Library Catalog search system, EDS (EBSCO Discovery Service). Edmon Low Library; Answers @ the OKState Library Oklahoma Panhandle State University OSU - Center for Health Sciences OSU - Institute of Technology OSU - Oklahoma City OSU - Tulsa Phillips Theological Seminary. D. Each record is linked to the full-text of the patent via the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) web site. CUSTOM TRAINING GIVE TO OSUIT. Jul 23, 2024 · This multi-disciplinary database provides active full text for more than 3,100 journals, including active full text for nearly 2,750 peer-reviewed journals. State of Oklahoma Payroll - 2025. OSU-Tulsa Library Catalog Migrating to New Platform December 15. Dec 16, 2024 · Academic Search Premier This link opens in a new window This multi-disciplinary database from EBSCO provides full text for more than 4,600 journals, including full text for nearly 3,900 peer-reviewed titles. Database Resources List - An alphabetical list of our databases. Oklahoma State University Archives The OSU Archives serves to gather and protect the significant records that preserve our institutional history and culture. An online database with links to museums and art Oct 30, 2024 · Field Searching - target specific database fields for certain pieces of information; Subject Searching - searching for subjects (not keywords) can improve the quality of our search results. A preliminary patent search is a two-step process. Jan 3, 2025 · In pursuance of the land-grant mission of the University, we support, encourage, and enable the open sharing of scholarly information with the general public and the larger scholarly community, while supporting intellectual property rights and academic freedom. Library Services aspires to be the central hub of information resources for the Northwestern Mar 22, 2013 · Connect to NWOSU. By proceeding further in your search, you agree that you are willing to follow the current copyright statements and proprietary rights as noted for each journal. The OSU Library continues to add to this collection as new works become available. Quicklinks Logins . ABOUT THE DATABASE. Ag) - Creative Component: The Humane Society of Stillwater: Donor Database Dilemma - Bailey Norwood. We also provide Document Delivery service for materials held by the OSU Library. Jan 3, 2025 · Many print and online sources from the US governent, state goverment, international governments, and organizations such as the United Nations or World Bank are listed in our BOSS Catalog. University Library: The Oklahoma State University Library is partnering with the United States Department of Agriculture and the Department of the Interior to create the “Tribal Treaties Database. Nov 20, 2024 · This video tutorial explains how to use the Library search to access online resources. The Oklahoma State University Herbarium is a member of the Texas-Oklahoma Regional Specimen records for collections made in Oklahoma can also be accessed through the Oklahoma Vascular Plants Database, supported by the Search this site. Important links. Tribes. Information for High School Groups The Edmon Low Library at Oklahoma State University welcomes school group visitors. eBooks are accessible 24/7 and include general and reference books. Toggle action bar FAQ Engine Database Participation webform. laws and executive orders concerning Native Americans from 1871-1970 (Volumes I, III-VII). 744 W. OKLAHOMA’S ONLY UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED TECHNOLOGY. Collaboration and Community Building 2 days ago · The University of Oklahoma . osuit. Common Data Set Files. The screenshots below shows how you can enter your search terms into two different databases, Scopus (top) and ProQuest (bottom). Some of the major OSU/A&M system applications include: OSU A&M System Directory 6 days ago · The OSU Edmon Low Library became a federal depository library in 1907 and regional depository library in 1979. 5 days ago · Search OU; OU Social Media; The University of Oklahoma . e. Search Product Database; Major Products - Alma - Apollo - Atriuum - Carl. Videos cover topics such as boolean operators, search limiters, and requesting m This dynamic collection contains electronic theses and dissertations published at Oklahoma A&M College and Oklahoma State University. Database Access. OSU Libraries' Ask Us Service (email Dec 16, 2024 · Browse all of the research databases, research guides, and materials from libraries around the world available to you: All research databases at the OSU-OKC Library. From the navigation bar at the top of the screen, sign in with either a Google or Microsoft account—or both. Type Northwestern Oklahoma State University into the search bar. LOGINS. Academic Schedule Oklahoma State University Stillwater, OK 74078 Campus & Parking OSU-Tulsa Library hours are subject to change. Sep 23, 2024 · Search this Guide Search Google Scholar Instructions and tutorials for using Google Scholar, and connecting a Google account to the OSU Library to access full-text articles and other resources. Search articles, books, journals & more. This database is updated on a daily basis. Processor and Database Designer, Oral History Program. Tech To-Go Oklahoma State University Institute of Technology is a recognized leader in applied technology education and is known for world-class teaching facilities, partnerships with industry, and a nearly 100 percent career placement Jul 13, 2023 · Begin by navigating to any Gale database from the A–Z Databases page. As part of the comprehensive coverage offered by this database, indexing and abstracts for the most important scholarly business Connect to: Library Web Site Online Catalog Library details: Henry G. Library Services aspires to be the central hub of information resources for the Northwestern Jun 16, 2016 · The OSU-CHS Medical Library is more than just a quiet place to study. Close. Upcoming Events . Nov 30, 2023 · A free search engine for scholarly literature with a limited amount of full text available. ” The project was publicly announced Monday at the White House Tribal Nations Summit. Search Search the site. This page discusses research data, including Graduate Research Assistant employment information and IRB-approved participant information. Nov 14, 2021 · Why the Tribal Treaties Database is important Memorandum of Understanding Regarding Interagency Coordination and Collaboration for the Protection of Tribal Treaty Rights and Reserved Rights SHAREOK TM is the joint institutional repository for the University of Oklahoma (OU) and the University of Central Oklahoma (UCO). edu Title/Search . The video includes information about resources, PDFs, Full Text, and OSU Get Oct 25, 2024 · Oklahoma State University offers access to a wide variety of subject specific databases through the following link: The above link allows you to search either for popular Open Research Oklahoma (ORO) is the institutional repository for Oklahoma State University. The main call number system Oklahoma State University Library uses is the Dewey Decimal Classification ("Dewey") system. Covering virtually every area of academic study, Academic Sep 23, 2024 · The OSU Library Search is a powerful, comprehensive system that you can use to locate research, scholarly materials, and other items. About . Videos cover topics related to the Publication Finder interface such as using it to Distance Library Services Access Library Materials. Digital collections at the Edmon Low Library are a collaborative project-based effort between Archives, Government Documents, Oral History, Maps & Spatial Data Services, and Digital Library Services. Sign in with your O-Key to access complete search results Other ways to search for books and articles: Select a database from our complete list. 405-744-5559 | Contact Us. Contact us using one of the options below and We will get back to you as soon as possible. URL: https://library. Search Library Website button OSU-OKC Library -- Oklahoma State University -- Oklahoma City. This library is affiliated with Southeastern Oklahoma State University () . 2024-2025. Now available to OSU students for one year after graduation for those who register a user account with CLCD before graduation. Your Rangers email address should work as a Microsoft account. Directory A-Z Site Index. Then complete the online form for interlibrary loan and have the book or article Oct 2, 2024 · The OSU Libraries Search allows you to search for print and electronic books, journals, articles, videos, and more. Indexes. okstate. Related Databases. When the Library is closed, books can be returned at the outside "book drop" on the west end of the South Entrance. Search. 5 million bibliographic records and over 465,000 full text articles in the applied sources, incorporating bibliographical information from CAB Abstracts, CAB Abstracts Archive, and Global Health. Jan 6, 2025 · Oklahoma State University Libraries currently participates in a number of agreements which either allow OSU authors (must typically be the corresponding author) to publish their articles open access without the need to pay an article processing charge (APC) or at a discount. gov". Although the collection of the OSU Stillwater Library is primarily to support the faculty, staff, and students of the University, courtesy cards permit those who qualify use of the collection for a limited time. Students and faculty can also search the database Digital Dissertations via Proquest. Go back to top of page. Government and distributed through the Federal Depository Library Program, 44 USC 1901, and offers reference assistance and instruction in using these materials. For general questions about distance Library services, contact Cristina Colquhoun, Instructional Design & Online Learning Librarian at cristina. This multi-disciplinary database offers full text for nearly 2,000 scholarly journals, including more than 1,500 peer-reviewed titles. X - Destiny - FOLIO - Koha - Library. CAB Direct. Choosing either option should take you to a log-in screen. McKee Library is an Academic library. Search Library Website button Dec 5, 2024 · Research/Subject Guides. This branch library acquires materials and provides services to the School of Architecture, as well as related programs elsewhere on campus. The Library provides access to federal agency materials published by the U. The Mary L. OSU-OKC Library Services. You can search our library collection from Google Scholar by following these steps:. Sarah Kearns (M. Facebook Instagram. Library Catalog Opens in new window; Media. This library is affiliated with Oklahoma Panhandle State University () . This multilingual and multicultural union catalog affords art historians and other researchers the ability to search and download complete digital copies of publications Oct 2, 2024 · The OSU Libraries Search allows you to search for print and electronic books, journals, articles, and more. Delivering a comprehensive overview of the world's research output in the fields of science Information Technology provides Oracle or MS SQL database services for most vendor-supported applications. Portland Ave. It is a place to get expert help with research, to become familiarized with the latest advances in medicine and to prepare for exams in comfort. Library Home search for “OSU Institute of Technology” to choose as your library. Citation database of library and information science sources. The OTL has denoted restricted the databases with respect to The University of Oklahoma Libraries (OU) as well as to the Oklahoma State University (OSU) libraries with the word (Restricted) in the source list. McKee, a former president of the University. edu The Interlibrary Services Department provides access to materials not owned by the OSU Library. 001A Library Oklahoma State University Stillwater, OK 74078-1071. Access to over 1 million Explore the OSU-OKC Library, offering a wide range of resources, services, and support for students, faculty, and staff. edu Sep 4, 2024 · Patent and Trademark Resource Center at Oklahoma State University: Searching Patents. Discover; Local Catalog; Search for content on the OU libraries Site Submit search for content on the OU libraries Site. edu/citation; Print Page; Login to LibApps. Distance Library Services Guide Sep 23, 2024 · The OSU Library Search is a powerful, comprehensive system that you can use to locate research, scholarly materials, and other items. Toggle action bar FAQ Actions. Includes Snapshots North America, Oxford Analytical Research, Jun 27, 2023 · This will only search database descriptions. Number of employees at Oklahoma State University in year 2024 was 16,233. It uses a platform called EBSCO Discovery Service, or EDS, to show search results across the Library's vast collection of materials and while this system is easy to use it also contains powerful tools to help you get the most out of your The Database is an index of United States patents issued to individuals residing in Indian and Oklahoma territory 1880 - 1907. Includes doctoral dissertations and faculty publications. Oklahoma State University, OSU Libraries, Stillwater, Oklahoma, United States 15 Jul 2009 - 3 Mar 2014. Call us: (405) 744-9775 Oklahoma State University Institute of Technology; OSUIT Library; This historical collection is the Library of Congress' key contribution to the National Digital Library, and includes digital reproductions, a finding aid in the form of a catalog or register, and other accompaniments. McKee Library, Oklahoma Panhandle Business Services - Database Services Owner: Charlie Metzger - Enterprise Systems and Data Center Operations Oct 2, 2024 · Our collections focus on Oklahoma, but we also have many maps and atlases covering neighboring states, the United States, and the world. Insure . Research Needs Statements (RNS) Database. Search this site; All of Oklahoma State University; Directory A-Z Site and botanical library. You can browse the collection from its home page, or enter your search below. You can find out more about adding your digitally available archival material to the DPLA Oct 2, 2024 · Education and Teaching LIbrarian 001 Willard Hall Stillwater, Oklahoma 74075 Sep 19, 2024 · Library Search. colquhoun@okstate. Home ; Student Life ; Oklahoma State University-Oklahoma City Oklahoma Sep 30, 2024 · This multi-disciplinary database offers full text for nearly 2,000 scholarly journals, including more than 1,500 peer-reviewed titles. It will be displayed on the left side in a vertical list of options, or on the top in a horizontal list of tabs. On the Google Scholar site, open the options menu by selecting the hamburger icon (). Email us ( libraryhelp@okstate. The Oklahoma State University Library has partnered with the United States Department of Agriculture, the Department of the Interior and the Department of Defense to build the "Tribal Treaties Database. To find books or articles, first open a database. ” The project was publicly announced on Nov 16, 2021 · From Oklahoma St. Tulsa, OK 74127 918-599-5298 Jan 25, 2013 · Since 1956, the Edmon Low Library has been the home of the Oklahoma State University Patent and Trademark Resource Center (PTRC), the state’s only center of its kind and one of the longest-standing in the nation. edu. Open OKState Imprints. Jack Long (M. This change will occur sometime between the evening of December 15 and the evening of December 17. 3063 OSU gathers and uses personally identifiable data in order to provide services to students and to promote student success. What am I Searching? Our new search allows you to search many different resources, including: libraryhelp@okstate. The Tribal Treaties Database provides an easy-to-use portal to access treaties, agreements, and other historical documents that have shaped relationships between tribal nations and the United Sep 23, 2024 · Navigate to the Library Links option. 709 Oklahoma Blvd. After you search, you can limit your results by library or material type, and you can order any materials we don’t have. waevswcj jcon fhst ijvo lnq zefxg qezjjy hcyp zwze cjqfowr