Msha mine number lookup. Number of Fatalities Reported .
Msha mine number lookup Once a mine is You can review the List of Approved Products on the MSHA website. ***MSHA Mine Data Retrieval System maintenance window starts Fridays 10:00PM ET to Saturday 10:00AM ET. Ronnie Huff DirectorOffice of Mines and MineralsIllinois Department of Natural ResourcesOne Natural Resources Way, First FloorSpringfield, IL 62702-1271Telephone: (217) 782-7456Email: ronnie. mil. The CFR organizes the rules of the various Federal agencies into 50 titles according to subject matter. boswell@arkansas. MSHA will expect mine operators to develop logical plans for responding to mine fires and explosions and will approve plans to advance with fire fighting efforts, mine rescue personnel, and others so that the safety of the responders is assured to the extent possible. Search. Review their mine’s approved Emergency Response Plan (ERP). Box 25367, Denver Federal Center, Denver, Colo. MSHA Health Resource Locator Tool; Coronavirus; State Mining Agencies; MSHA Frequently Asked Questions Report Accidents & Hazardous Conditions1-800-746-1553 Vincennes covers Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Northern Missouri, Wisconsin. A Guide to Miner's Rights. Contains mine addresses for all mines in the database except for Abandoned mines prior to 1998 from MSHA's legacy system. Mine ID Request (MSHA Form 7000-51) - All mines are required to apply for an MSHA mine identification number. Filing Instructions: A mine ID may be requested by completing the online form or by contacting your local district office. 7. as well as . Email: dj@mshasafetyservices. gov (202) 693-9470 Safety and Health Technology Center Richard Stoltz Stoltz. ) We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Mine operators are required to immediately call MSHA's toll-free number at 1-800-746-1553 to notify MSHA of an immediately reportable accident. Safety and Health Topics A comprehensive listing of safety and health information. You can find them and more on our new Safety and Health Materials search page. gov (412) 386-6902 2019 PIL Number Title Effective Date I19-V-01 Procedure for Permitting the Use of Belt Air to Ventilate Working Sections of Underground Coal Mines 2/8/2019 Search Search. This informational report does not replace the Qualification or Certification wallet cards issued by MSHA. gov Additional Contact: Thomas McClure, Administrator of Finance & Personnel Email: Tom. Richard@dol. operates the mine, as well as any changes to this information, to MSHA in a prompt manner. . Mccament@dnr. ( If you are not Guest User, click here . The MIIN is required, as this number will be used for tracking all persons with certifications, qualifications and approvals, and will also cover any It assists mine operators in developing safety and health programs, and is a training material resource. Please be advised that there may be interruption to data retrieval Already have a MIIN? Look up your MIIN here. Filing Options: Form 5000-46, MSHA Individual Identification Number can be filed online or completed online and printed, and mailed to MSHA Lists all Coal and Metal/Non-Metal mines under MSHA's jurisdiction. To obtain information about a specific mine such as the: (1) type of mine (2) mine status (3) mineral mined (4) MSHA inspections (5) accidents, and (6) MSHA violations, for example, access the Mine Data Retrieval System found on the MSHA homepage. MSHA Office Code – Where can I find a copy of my instructor credentials and/or miner qualifications and certifications? You can obtain a copy of your instructor status and miner qualifications and certifications by using your MIIN (MSHA Individual Identification Number). Frank FosterDirectorMiners' Health, Safety & Training7 Players Club Drive, Suite 2Charleston, WV 25311-2126Telephone: 304-558-1425Email: Frank. A number of topics are discussed in the courses offered. MSHA Health Resource Locator Tool State Mining Agencies; MSHA Frequently Asked District Office; Contact Email Phone; Brian Thompson District Manager 1030 London Drive, Suite 400 Birmingham, AL 35211 Fax: 205-290-7299 Map & Directions Search Search. If a penalty becomes 120 days delinquent, it is referred to the Department of Treasury for collection. Advanced Search - Mines Search Criteria Selections: Mine ID, Mine Name, Commodity, County Name, State Name . gov Additional Contacts: Mr. Coal Handling Facility Permits. General: Name: Operator: Status: Commodity: Permit Number: Owner: Mineral Owner: Surface Owner: To see all mine registrations and permits, leave all fields blank, then click Search and then click Export All to Excel Location Coal Miner Certification Search Provide last name and if necessary date of birth before clicking submit. The information is not intended for validation of experience or use by Mine operators, States, or mining companies. Users can search by the mine name or ID, contractor name or ID, current controller or “high dollar” citations. L. b. MSHA investigates each mining fatality and prepares the following documents to alert the mining community and prevent similar occurrences. 2 Mine ID Number A mine identification number (ID) is a seven digit number assigned to a specific mine. Show mine name and company name. 13 ( revised) OMB Number 1219 - 000 7; A pproval Expir e Sept. Virgin Islands, and Pacific territories such Once a separate MSHA identification number is established for a portable plant, mine operators must report quarterly employment information related to operation of the plant on a single Form 7000-2, regardless of the number of pits or jobsites the plant may have operated at during the quarter. MSHA’s initial findings indicated medical related Mr. Department of Labor's Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) has a number of important tools for reducing injuries and illnesses in the nation's mines. Often, these individuals will be Part 48 MSHA-Approved trainers who can train for ***Mine operators are required by law to report all mining accidents immediately – within 15 minutes of when the operator knew or should have known about the accident. A Mine ID is a Enter a Mine ID, Mine Name, Contractor ID, Contractor Name, Controller or Operator, then select the appropriate radio button. Some forms can be completed and filed online. The Division of Mineral Mining (DMM) also offers a comprehensive, quality, results-oriented education and training service for the mineral mining industry in Virginia. Certain mines with high levels of explosive or toxic gasses are inspected more often. 103, 77. This single toll-free phone call is required by the Emergency Mine Evacuation Final Rule published in the Federal Register on December 8, 2006, and is the only call that mine operators will need to make to notify MSHA. Among these are various enforcement actions that MSHA can use to help ensure that dangerous conditions or practices are corrected. Narrative . Jacob GyoreMine Safety and Training DivisionOffice of Mines and MineralsIllinois Department of Natural ResourcesSouthern Illinois Mine ID Number -or Multiple Operations Contractor's estimated hours on mine property: _____ hours Job Quarter Year Type of Work Performed (Specify) _____ District/Field Office _____ MSHA Form 7000-52, Apr 201. Training plans for Part 48 mines must be approved by MSHA; Part 46 training plans do not require MSHA approval as long as they meet the requirements of the rule. wv permit msha id company name mine name number number county region aci tygart valley leer mine u00200406a 4609192 taylor 1 active resources, inc. 38, compared to the national average of 0. The edge of the dump point failed, causing the haul truck to travel backwards, overturn, and land on the roof of the cab. govOffice Phone: 304-352-4120Cell: 304-553-1419 Josh Bell, AdministratorOffice Phone: 304-720 You need a valid Case Number in order to use this report. You can file online using your EGov account. Mine Health and safety classes are conducted in: 30 CFR Parts 46 and 48 Annual Refresher Training; 30 CFR Parts 46 and 48 New Miner Training; 30 CFR Part 49 Mine Rescue Training An official website of the United States government. Production-operators are required to maintain certain information for each independent contractor at the mine. Here’s how you know Contact Email Phone Office of the Director William Francart Francart. We also publish a list of products that have been approved or certified by month and year. B. MSHA is required to inspect each underground mine four times a year and each surface mine twice a year for health and safety compliance. Resource Type: Dataset: Metadata Created Date: April 12, 2021: Metadata Updated Date: July 11, 2024: Publisher: Mine Safety and Health Administration: Maintainer: Find a range of current and historical data for individual mines using our Mine Data Retrieval System tool and data sources and calculator tool. Meta Format Filter. 2(c) Mine Rescue Team Qualification Persons who became members on and after July 11, 1981, must satisfy the 1-year underground experience requirement in this rule. Operating Company NameOffice and Mailing Address . Training Programs & Courses; Develop a Training Plan; Mine Rescue Training; Instructor Materials; Training & Education FAQs; Quarterly Training Calls & Stakeholder Meetings State Mining Agencies; MSHA MSHA estimates that 7,500 MIIN’s will be requested annually. Here’s how you know The Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) will issue a MSHA Individual Identification Number (MIIN) to persons seeking qualifications and/or certification under 30 CFR Part 48, Part 70, Part 71, Part 75. Fill Out Form, Print, and All independent contractors may apply for MSHA contactor identification numbers by completing and submitting MSHA Form 7000-52. of Ad I & Stat—t Disdai Previous Submit MllN Request to MSHA I I Fthng Help I Us Mine Safety H£th (MS") 201 Street South Suite 401, Arlington, VA 22202-S4S2 Find It In MSHA SEARCH You can obtain a copy of your instructor status and miner qualifications and certifications by using your MIIN Search Search. Approving required roof control, ventilation, emergency response, and training plans. ) On, April 18, 2024, MSHA issued its final rule, entitled Lowering Miners’ Exposure to Respirable Crystalline Silica and Improving Respiratory Protection, to reduce miner exposures to respirable crystalline silica and improve respiratory protection for all airborne hazards. The National Mine Health and Safety Academy is organized based on the functions each group serves. Filing Instructions: U. Already have a MIIN? Look up your MIIN here. 5 elevated citations and orders (under Section 104(b); 104(d); 104(g); or 107(a) of the Mine Act) issued per 100 inspection hours during the most recent 12 months. govAdditional Contact: Ron WeberEmail: rweber@asmi. MSHA also accepts faxed information and provides a toll-free number for individuals to request MIINs. Mine Accident, Injury, and Illness Report MSHA asks for the last 4 digits of the social security number under authority of Section 103 of Public Law 91-173, as amended by Public Law 95-164. ), the current owner and operating company, commodity An MSHA Mine ID is a unique identifying number required for each U. It is updated by MSHA district offices as required. G. Below is the list of all State Mining Agencies: Alabama Alabama Department of Environmental Management – Mining Alabama Surface Mining Commission Alaska Alaska Department of Natural Resources – Mining, Land & Water Arizona The Arizona Geological Survey Individual circumstances may arise where district personnel will have to decide on a case-by-case basis whether operations are related or independent for the purpose of assigning identification numbers. Also, get online filing assistance, look up previously filed forms, and find frequently asked questions about online filing login and security. Search for: Home; MSHA Training; Resources Submenu Toggle. MSHA’s toll-free emergency line is staffed 24 hours a day. These structures are used to impound waste, store water for mine use, control runoff, and prevent flooding. The agency develops and enforces safety and health rules for all mines under U. 30-1 and submit the original to the MSHA Office of Injury and Employment Information, P. Reports on contractor activities at mines must include an MSHA- assigned contractor ID Number as well as the 7-digit operation ID. Number of Fatalities Reported . Advanced filtering by part number, guidance type and other metadata to find the exact PPL, PIB or manual language you are A. Topics for instruction are based upon Connecticut and National injury/illness statistics and MSHA targeted areas. ” An MSHA Mine ID is a unique identifying number (or 7-digit character sequence) required for each U. Upon MSHA’s arrival on-site and following assessment of conditions, MSHA may modify the Section 103(j) order, including all instructions, to reflect that MSHA is now proceeding under the authority of Section 103(k) of the Mine Act. MSHA should inform parties on-site that any activities that are rescue or recovery related will be permitted John BoswellEducation & Instruction CoordinatorArkansas Department of Labor and Licensing900 West Capitol, Suite 400Little Rock AR, 72201Telephone: 501-690-8392Email: John. org) State Mining Agencies Form ID: 7000-51 Control ID: 1219-0042 Expiration Date: September 30, 2020 Mine ID Request Description: All mines are required to apply for an MSHA mine identification number. MSHA does not require independent contractors to get an MSHA identification number for purposes of Part 46. gov | 202-693-9400 | 202-693-9400 We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. We developed this tool to address your unique health needs as a miner and connect you with essential healthcare services. 1-800-746-1553 (hazardous condition complaints) Main address 201 12th St S Suite 401 “(1) The name of the production-operator or independent contractor, mine name(s), and MSHA mine identification number(s) Bring an external trainer in-house – You can search online for independent mining consultants and trainers who do on-site training. ’s Morgan County Quarry in Buckhead, GA. Here’s how you know 2. Technical specialists in this section help mine operators solve problems in addition to providing advice on health and safety matters within their field of expertise. Last Name: (Required) Date Of Birth: (mm/dd/yyyy) Last Name is required. If you are unsure of your number assignment, contact the nearest MSHA Mine Safety and Health District or Field Office. Contact your designated MSHA district office. 153, 75. Inspections are also conducted in response to complaints of hazardous conditions. The Office of Assessments assesses and collects civil monetary penalties for violations of the Mine Act and mine safety and health standards. Here’s how you know The . MSHA provides services and materials to help mine operators comply with safety and health laws and regulations. Please select any of the links below to find out more about the filing requirements and procedures specific to each form. Of these requests, MSHA estimates that 98 percent will be submitted electronically. Home Search. gov Under the Department of Environmental Quality, the Mississippi training program assists mine operators and mine contractors with their health and safety training and retraining in an effort to eliminate fatal mining accidents and injuries and to reduce The owner, operator, or person in charge of any metal and nonmetal mine shall notify MSHA before starting operations, of the approximate or actual date mine operation will commence. The Office of the Federal Register assigns each Federal Agency the title, chapter, This form is not used to apply for a Mine ID; rather, it is for submitting an initial Legal ID Report or updating an existing Legal ID Report. MSHA Health Resource Locator Tool; State Mining Agencies; MSHA Frequently Asked Questions; Breadcrumb. nscnne. 104, 77. Each of the five major units of the Academy, along with the Office of the Superintendent, work together to support one another while working toward the organization's goals. Certificate of Electrical/Noise Training (5000-1) Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) | 201 12th Street S, Suite 401 | Arlington, VA 22202-5450 General Inquiries For general questions or concerns about MSHA programs and policies, please feel free to get in touch. Guidance regarding issuing a Mine ID Numbers and discussion relating to mine types can be found in the Program Policy Manual, Section III. O. Therefore, an identification number must not be construed as an acceptance of the product for underground mine use. MSHA News Release posted: [December 23, 2024] Inspections cited 44 significant and substantial violations, including 1 unwarrantable failure WASHINGTON – The U. To ensure the safety of miners and others, “Each operator of a mine in which an individual worked during any day of a calendar quarter shall complete a MSHA Form 7000-2 in accordance with the instructions and criteria in §50. Underground Mine Permits. Operation Name . S. Reviewing mine operators’ mining plans and education and training MSHA Individual Identification Numbers (MIIN) MIIN Lookup; Online Part 46 and 48 Training Plans; Forms for the Qualification & Certification of Miners. The mine rescue team will be able to recognize and apply the key components and resources necessary to effectively organize a mine rescue and recovery operation. gov | 202-693-9400 | 202-693-9400 Mr. huff@illinois. The Search by Mines. Learn more about MIINs Filing Options: Form 5000-46, MSHA Individual Identification Number can be filed online or Phone Number: (303) 231-5472 Fax Number: (303) 231-5474 E-mail: zzmsha-epdqc@dol. For more program information contact Brooke Colley at 276-523 U. Back. Sort Order. Team members will be able to: a. gov Email: AskMSHA@dol. com. Title: Microsoft Word - An official website of the United States government. Reports on contractor activities at mines must include an MSHA-assigned contractor ID Number as well as the 7-digit operation ID. An Injury Severity Measure (SM) for the mine that is greater than the overall Industry SM for all mines in the same mine type and classification over the most recent 12 Search Search. ohio. Once a mine site has been assigned an MSHA Mine ID, that ID number stays with the site even if the site changes ownership, name, or operational status. govWeb: MSHA Training | Arizona State Mine Inspector (az. And that number stays the same even if a mine site transitions from surface to underground mining Mine Lookup is a tool that provides mining operation details that may be discovered in a wide variety of ways including: location, place, name, mine id, controller, operator, and more. Here’s a closer look: New Miner Training (Part 46/48) Training Providers: Look for MSHA-approved training organizations that offer online and in-person courses. You may use "Date of Birth" optionally to refine your MSHA ID Number is the number assigned to the operation by MSHA. U. You can use this Locator to quickly and easily access a diverse range of health information and care resources such as medical support, specialized services, and helpful information, based on your selected The MIIN number is an MSHA assigned number that all individuals must obtain to be used for training submissions to MSHA and also when contacting MSHA to verify records. Independent contractors performing services or engaged in construction work at a MINE FATALITY – On November 5, 2024, a miner died when the haul truck he was operating over travelled a dump point. 2. This is accomplished through safety and health training classes offered through the National Safety Council of Northern New England (www. Mr. Department of Labor’s Mine Safety and Health Administration today released the results of its second 2023 pattern of violations screening to identify chronic violators and mine operators demonstrating a From our view, a number of mines received visits from district personnel who delivered strong messaging that operations needed to implement a corrective action plan to be approved by MSHA – or face potential POV Mr. Mine Name . gov) Most all training is conducted on the mine sites. Forms; Fatality Database; Support & Resources; A unique MSHA Mine ID is required for each surface mine and each underground mine site. An MSHA ID is required for each mine site and must be issued before any operations may begin. Home; About; Program Areas and Offices; MSHA Denver Federal Center 6th & Kipling 2nd Street, Bldg, 25, E-16 Denver, CO 80225 The Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) completed the last regular safety and health inspection at this mine on June 22, 2020. Mining Industry Accident, Injury, Illness, Employment, and Coal Production Reports. cedar grove #2 u000503008 4609361 logan 2 Assistant Secretary for Mine Safety and Health Williamson to visit West Virginia University, honor first responders on Mine Rescue Day Assistant Secretary for Mine Safety and Health Williamson to visit Carson City mine to discuss federal investments’ benefits to mine workers, economy The U. 30 2017 (MSHA) - Quarterly Mine Employment and Coal Production Report (7000-2) Author: DOL - Mine Safety and Health Forms & Online Filing Access a list of all MSHA forms organized by audience. The notification shall include the mine name, location, the company name, mailing address, person in charge, and whether operations will be continuous or intermittent. Before sharing sensitive information, make sure you’re on a federal government site. no. The Mine and Quarry Bureau, under the North Carolina Department of Labor, maintains a Comprehensive Mine Safety and Health Program and a Direct Miner Training Program for the mining operations in North Carolina. According to MSHA, the tool allows mine operators to gauge safety performances and initiate improvements. An MSHA Mine ID is required for each mine site and must be issued before any operations may begin at the mine site. Update Search Filters. The 2019 non-fatal days lost (NFDL) incident rate for Smoky Valley Common Operations was 1. 8 deep mine u00500204a 4609018 mingo 2 aracoma coal company, inc. 105 and Part 90. If you need to obtain a MIIN please contact the Qualification and Certification Unit A Proposed Assessment and Statement of Account is mailed to the mine operator. underground and surface mine site before any operations may begin. The first two digits identify the state in which a mine is located and the next five digits are sequentially ascending numbers within a state regardless of whether it is a coal or metal/nonmetal mine. Forms; Fatality Database; Support & Resources; Mine ID Request Description: All mines are required to apply for an MSHA mine identification number. mining; msha; msha-case-number; Additional Metadata. The data from MDRS can be accessed by performing a search • To search for Abandoned Mines please use the Abandoned Mines link under the Mine Name search field. gov Mail: United States Department of Labor Mine Safety and Health Administration Qualification and Certification P. When assigning a new mine identification number, a check should be made to ensure that the number is being assigned to a new mine and not an Search Search. Including current status of each mine (Active, Abandoned, Nonproducing, etc. 41-1 Assignment of Independent Contractor and Mine Identification Numbers. Training Programs & Courses; Develop a Training Plan; Mine Rescue Training; Instructor Materials; Training & Education FAQs; Quarterly Training Calls & Stakeholder Meetings State Mining Agencies; MSHA The listings include company name, mine or facility and permit number. Department of Labor | Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) | 201 12th Street S, Suite 401 | Arlington, VA 22202-5450 MSHA ID Number or Contractor ID . The number of people in the Command Center should. MSHA Health Resource Locator Tool; The U. NOTE: ERP terminology only applies to coal. Laurie Swartzbaugh Deputy DirectorArizona State Mine Inspector's Office1700 West Washington, Suite 403Phoenix, AZ 85007-2805Telephone: (602) 542-5971Email: lswartzbaugh@asmi. MSHA accepts only finished, manufactured products, not primary ingredients. gov Phone: 202-693-9400 Welcome to the MSHA Health Resource Locator. Mine Operator. Mine ID: 1. SAFETY & HEALTH. Modified Date . Advanced Search by Contractors. Foster@wv. Department of Labor's Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) is dedicated to reducing deaths, injuries, and illnesses in the nation's mines through a variety of activities and programs. Surface Mine Permits. List of Companies Holding Identification Numbers . Enter a Mine ID under Search For and click the search icon, or You can obtain a copy of your instructor status and miner qualifications and certifications by using your MIIN Search Search. Task Handbook Number Title Issue Date PH21-V-6 Dam Inspection and Plan Review Handbook January 2021 PH20-V-1 Search Search. Users can search the system to find records based on the following Conducting safety and health conferences with mine operators on violations. MSHA Program Policy Manual discusses the nine types of services that would require a U. MSHA’s Miner Health Matters initiative encourages miners to get regular health screenings and maintain awareness about their health, and this tool makes that easier by Revoked Certifications Revoked CertificationsDecember 2024: Suspended Certification Summary Updated Monthly (Updated 1/2025) Electrical Certifications Access over 50 years of MSHA knowledge with AI to reveal insights and answers for compliance and citation appeals. The Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) will issue a MSHA Individual Identification Number (MIIN) to persons seeking qualifications and/or certification under 30 CFR Part 48, Part 70, Part 71, Part 75. MSHA Health Resource Locator Tool; Coronavirus; Safety & Health Initiatives; Mine Data Retrieval System MDRS User's Manual Data Sources Part 50 Data Part 50 Reports MSHA Datasets Search by year. Skip to main content. Phone Number: (307) 227-6742. Independent contractors performing services or engaged in construction Request an MSHA Individual Identification Number (MIIN) MSHA personnel, mine operators, independent contractors, miners, state grantees, MSHA qualified and certified persons and approved instructors should apply for a MIIN. Part 50 of Title 30 of the Code of Federal Regulation (30 CFR Part 50) requires mine operators to immediately notify MSHA of This part sets forth information requirements and procedures for independent contractors to obtain an MSHA identification number and procedures for service of documents upon independent contractors. arkansas. ), the current owner and operating company, commodity codes and physical attributes of the mine. Training classes offered for Coal and Metal/Nonmetal mining include: 30 CFR Parts 46 and 48 Annual Refresher (Surface and Underground) 30 CFR Parts 46 and 48 New Miner Training (Surface and Underground) The primary goal of the program is to eliminate fatal mining accidents and to significantly reduce the number and severity of on-the-job injuries to mine workers. ” This is a person deemed competent in specified training subjects by the mine operator and named on both the training plan and record of training. These topics Report Accidents & Hazardous Conditions 1-800-746-1553 Vacaville covers Alaska, Mohave County, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Washington County 49. Training. Form 5000-46, MSHA Individual Identification Number can be filed online or completed online and printed, and mailed to MSHA Entering a valid MSHA Mine Identification Number (Mine ID) or Contractor Identification Number (Contractor ID) is the easiest way for you to search for employer information. This mission includes determination of the civil penalty amounts, collection of and accounting for all delinquent penalties, as well as tracking all penalty cases in litigation before the Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission and The Applicant Violator System (AVS) is an automated information system owned and operated by OSMRE. Training Programs & Courses; Develop a Training Plan; Mine Rescue Training; Instructor Materials; Training & Education FAQs; Quarterly Training Calls & Stakeholder Meetings State Mining Agencies; MSHA Part 50 Reports. William@dol. An MSHA ID is required for each mine site and must be issued before any operations may begin at the mine site. General Interest Items. Dustin Mowery Emergency Response and Training Manager Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Mine Safety 131 Broadview Road New Stanton, PA 15672 Telephone: (724) 404-3146 Search Search. But when mining contractors are suddenly faced Administrator for Enforcement Brian Goepfert 201 12th St S, Suite 401 Arlington, VA 22202-5450 202-693-9400 Deputy Administrator Enforcement Timothy Watkins Newly Hired Experienced Miner Parts 46, 48a and 48b; 30 CFR — Parts 56, 57 and 77; Cooperative Instructor Training Certification and Qualification; 30 CFR Part 62 Noise; 30 CFR — Mine Rescue Training Part 49; Basic Miner and On the Job Training; Other services offered through the Missouri Mine and Cave Safety and Health section are: Training is conducted in accordance with 30 CFR Parts 46 and 48 requirements by MSHA approved instructors either on campus or at the mine site. 1-844-USAGOV1. 6a deep mine u00501607a 4609281 mingo 2 active resources, inc. McClure@wv. video Miner/Aerosol Monitor/Dust Pump/Sampling Train/Train Loadout. Here’s how you know 1. Upon receipt, a mine operator has 30 days to pay or contest the citation or penalty to the Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission. MSHA Health Resource Locator Tool; (MSHA Individual Identification Number) here. 80225, within 15 days This number will be used for all applications to MSHA that are submitted by a mining operator, contractor, instructor, State, MSHA personnel or person applying to be an MSHA approved instructor. The Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) works to prevent mining related deaths, injuries, and illnesses through mine regulations, inspections, and training programs. For the purposes of mine rescue work only, surface miners whose work regularly takes them underground qualify for the underground experience requirement and, therefore, are eligible for team membership. The address is the one entered by the mine operator at the time a Legal ID form is completed for a requested mine identification number. Beau Thomas, Chief, Mine and Quarry Bureau. North Carolina of Department of Labor 1101 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1101. Contractor Permits. gov | 202-693-9400 | 202-693-9400 Identifier: MSHA-19-012:030-179 Language: en-US Data Last Modified: 2024-12-11T21:40:45. MSHA Health Resource Locator Tool TRAINING. For a mine that’s been in operation for years, an MSHA Mine ID (identification number) would have been assigned to the mine operator long ago. Coal mine operators must come into compliance with the final rule by April 8, 2025, and MNM mine operators must avoiding chaos. Cadiz, Welcome Guest User. Previously, it was required that mine operators file the legal identity report and every change of any information contained in that report, to MSHA by properly completing MSHA form 2000-7 and mailing or otherwise delivering the form to the The tool enables miners to search for resources easily and anonymously in a chosen area using a mine name or mine identification number; or a city, state or zip code. MSHA has focused enforcement efforts on these key standards through a Request an MSHA Individual Identification Number (MIIN) | Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) submitted to MSHA. Department of Labor announced today that its Mine Safety and Health Administration completed impact inspections in November 2024 at 14 mines in Alabama, California, Colorado, Illinois, Ms. Mine Safety and Health Administration 201 12th St S Suite 401 Arlington, VA 22202-5450 www. Scroll to Top. (Links to District office contact information are provided above under filing instructions. Copy 1 - Return to MSHA(Denver) MSHA Form 7000 - 2, Aug. Toll-free number. *** To report an accident or a hazardous condition, call 1-800-746-1553. Benny MccamentChiefODNR, Division of Mineral Resources Management2045 Morse Road, Building H-2Columbus, OH 43229-6693Office: 740-274-4947Cell: 614-935-0789E-mail: Benny. Read more about the organizational units below. gov means it’s official. View Metadata; 15. Address: PO Mine Safety and Health Administration Approval and Certification Center . If you need a Mine ID, please see MSHA Form 7000-51, Mine ID Request or contact your local MSHA District office. 304-558-1425. The primary contact for such assistance is the Educational Field and Small Mine Services (EFSMS) EFSMS works closely with MSHA District enforcement offices to identify industry needs and help mine operators develop or revise training, safety and health programs The forms in this category are associated with an MSHA identification number, or “MSHA ID. All mines are required to apply for an MSHA mine identification number. 00, 75. Coal Mine Safety's Operator Assistance Section provides assistance to underground mine operators in the areas of roof control, ventilation and electrical systems. Part 46 requires that training be delivered by a “competent person” who has the “ability, training, knowledge, or experience to provide training to miners. 022Z Learn the MSHA Mine Data Retrieval System (MDRS) and its role in mining safety on how MDRS tracks inspections, violations, and accidents. Box 25367, DFC Denver, CO 80225 Lists all Coal and Metal/Non-Metal mines under MSHA's jurisdiction. jurisdiction, including those in Puerto Rico, the U. az. 155, Part 77. Here’s how you know A – You can obtain a copy of your instructor status and miner qualifications and certifications by using your MIIN (MSHA Individual Identification Number) here. Call this number to immediately report a mining accident or a hazardous An official website of the United States government. Report Accidents & Hazardous Conditions 1-800-746-1553 Kentucky, Western North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, Florida, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. Office of the Superintendent The Office of the MMD Mine Registrations and Permits Search Return to MMD Main Page; Home; Search; Mine Registrations and Permits. 100, 77. Safety & Health. Titles are divided into chapters, chapters into parts, and parts into sections. Pleöe confirm all the information correct and then dick the bJtton 'Sib-nit MllN to MSHA' to obtain MllN number or to update —sonal nfcrrnation on file. Rather than trying to locate the Mine Data Retrieval System tab or area on the MSHA homepage, I found it Regulation Identifier Number; 12/10/2024: Testing, Evaluation, and Approval of Electric Motor-Driven Mine Equipment and Accessories: 1219-AB93: 4/18/2024: Lowering Miners' Exposure to Respirable Crystalline Silica and Improving Respiratory Protection: 1219-AB36: 1/11/2024: Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act Annual Adjustments for Impoundments and dams are an integral part of mining. 79 for mines of this type. Faulty design, construction, or operation can lead to a failure of the dam embankment or the containment system, resulting in the release of water or liquid-borne solid waste. The Bureau of Mine Safety also supports New Mexico mine rescue by housing supplemental equipment, including IWT wireless mine rescue communication equipment. gov Howard (Butch) DyerMine Safety ManagerOhio Department of Natural ResourcesDivision of Mineral Resources Management43024 Industrial Park Rd. MSHA MSHA. West Virginia Department of Commerce . gov | 202-693-9400 | 202-693-9400 MSHA News Release Posted: [February 1, 2024] West Virginia coal mine meets POV screening criteria; receives postponement notice. Federal government websites often end in . Department of Labor | Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) | 201 12th Street S, Suite 401 | Arlington, VA 22202-5450 www. Courses offered include: 30 CFR parts 46 and 48 Annual Refresher Training; 30 CFR parts 46 and 48 New Miner Training and Newly Hired Experienced Miner Training; Silicosis Prevention; Noise Abatement; and; Instructor Training. The name of the production-operator or independent contractor, mine name(s), and MSHA mine identification number(s) or independent contractor identification number(s). On April 13, 2024, MSHA was informed of a miner’s death at Martin Marietta Materials, Inc. Civil Penalties Imposed for Violations Mine ID Number . "A Guide to Miner's Rights and Responsibilities Under the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) | 201 12th Street South At least 0. Quarry Operation Permits. Articles; Videos; Downloads; Part 46 vs Part 48 WIZARD; About Us Submenu Toggle. Q - How do I become a certified Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) instructor? Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) | 201 12th Street South, Suite 401 The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) is the basic component of the Federal Register publication system. gov or . • To view the MSHA At A Glance and Fatalities by State, please use the drop Mine Lookup is a tool that provides mining operation details that may be discovered in a wide variety of ways including: location, place, name, mine id, controller, operator, and more. A mine’s competent person is often an employee, like the safety manager, but may the metal/nonmetal mining industry or the coal mining industry. Search Search. MSHA Health Resource Locator Tool; (MSHA Individual Identification Number). msha. WASHINGTON – The U. These options can be found directly below the ‘Search Active Mines section on the MDRS Home Page. An official website of the United States government. The priority topics for 30 CFR Parts 46 and 48 are: Power Haulage; Prevention of Silicosis; Machinery; Hand and Power Tools; When an accident, injury, or illness occurs at or in conjunction with activity at a mine, mine operators are required to report the circumstances of the incident to MSHA using Form 7000-1. 4. Visit our Fatality Reports page to access current and historical mine fatality It is evident that the violations of a small number of health and safety standards are responsible for the majority of fatalities and serious injuries and illnesses. Training Programs & Courses Find out about MSHA’s wide variety of mine safety and health training programs and courses, offered both in-person and online. govWebsite: https://labor. Information on applicants, permittees, operators, application and permit records, as well as unabated or uncorrected environmental violations of SMCRA are maintained in this nationwide database for OSMRE’s Federal and State programs. Search & navigate the knowledge base to Immediately find the relevant regulations, guidance and case law. Mine ID is the unique key for this data. The system is based on the history of each mine and also includes operator-specific information.
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