Tsm failed to scan some auctions. ____ Common Questions.

Tsm failed to scan some auctions I'll share some stuff (not all because doing by itself is the best) from my set up and how I learn to make it. The problem is probably in CancelScan. Register("scan", TSM. What you may have seen is TSM users with a scrollwheel macro, that will bind the scrolling of a mouse wheel to the Auction House buttons in TSM such as buyout and buyout confirmation. Im talking full inventory going from taking approximately 1-2 mins to scan and post up to what I timed it today as taking approximately 7min30sec. 11, Auction House tables have been significantly improved and an option to add/remove columns August 29th, 2021 4716 views 7 likes Why am I missing sales or purchase data on my items? You can cancel all auctions with tsm from the My Auctions tab without scanning but you'll still hit the throttle on canceling and if you have a lot of auctions it will still take a long time. Feb 9, 2022 · The same number is the maximum number a TSM "GetAll"-Scan stops at. The auction data is automatically downloaded from Blizzard API like it has been for years. u/Skitzat Having TSM premium or not has no effect how often TSM gets price updates. Third, the discord server exists and is quite active. If you've got some groups you don't feel the need to update, you can unselect them and and speed up the scan greatly. On this first part, you can see a step-by-step explanation of eve Sure, I mainly use TSM but there are things I find Auctionator is more convenient to use, especially in these days of a very buggy TSM4. How do I increase the font size? The more shit it needs to scan (because you're posting a lot of stuff or because there's a lot of stuff up there already TSM needs to check on) the longer it will take. I've run the post scan several times, same result. " I re-run the scan multiple times, and after 6 - 12 tries, it finally allows me to cancel or post. Once the scan is completed, it will show what auctions have been undercut, or can be reposted at a higher price, and you will be given the ability to cancel them. In the code you'll find : I really do not get why blizzard still allows add ons like TSM. 11 launched, I have to scan multiple times because the scans keep stalling, and I get the message "TSM failed to scan some auctions. You can run the /reload command in-game to populate newer pricing data from the App if it is available. It takes me about 8-9 minutes to scan 422 Pages. Oct 8, 2018 · In the last installment we looked at how you should use the auctioning capabilities in TSM to easily and quickly post your items to the auction house. You can also add people to an ignore list, but using the warning will protect u against any seller. This is actually some functionality I'd be interested in as well. Other addons like Aux are just a lot better, faster, and more user friendly at quickly buying or posting items. So, on Stormrage, it takes about 8 minutes to run a post scan for a full bag of items. E. TSM4 is up to date same with the pricing. I saw the method you could use to scan instantly with Auctionator, but theres no similar thing with TSM afaik. Aug 2, 2021 · With the launch of TSM version 4. With TSM4. but I split my group apart to try to solve it but it doesn't seem to be an item specific issue. If you check the all auctions tab next to the auctioning log when your scan stops you might see an auction that has failed to search. Just bought a gnarled mood ring for 128k with my tsm telling me the price was 240k+ but when I go to relist there are several auctions for 128k so I got fucked. Aug 2, 2021 · Are you looking to report an in-game Lua error from the TSM addon? TradeSkillMaster errors are specifically handled by the Why does my addon keep telling me No Recent AuctionDB Scan Data Found? This message is displayed in two scenarios. 95 in order to adjust for the 5% auction house cut. TSM Service StatusIf you're missing pricing data, there's a chance TSM or Blizzard are experiencing issues. 95. Are you sure it’s TSM? IIRC, there was a WeakAura being spread around with this kind of maliciousness embedded. Even if you never used TSM itself, installing it and the desktop app for automagic database syncing is worth it. Some very large servers can take 10-20 times longer to do scans on than a small server at peak hours. Nov 11, 2022 · This auction posting index update occurs automatically in the background while the auction house window is open, whenever the AUCTION_OWNED_LIST_UPDATE event occurs, and it also occurs whenever the number of owned auctions changes. I've looked at the source of TSM, but it seems a little bit more complicated than to change a "less than" into a "less than or equal to" comparison. TSM tracks the sale rate of items, in a source called DBRegionSaleRate. Register("scan", TSM TSM Service StatusIf you're missing pricing data, there's a chance TSM or Blizzard are experiencing issues. But there is actually another benefit to the "simply post more" approach: Imagine the AH looks something like this (from expensive to cheapest auction): To start with a mini rant: Why the fuck does the sniper show a price for market and min that is completely different to the actual price. Posted/cancelled a darkmoon deck several times, and then sold it. I'll leave the question of how to handle transmog selling to people who are more experienced with the matter. Took 16 post scans to post my current 1100ish auctions. "]) end 改成 --if WOW_PROJECT_ID == WOW_PROJECT_CLASSIC then TSM. From the blog post: In the mean time, we have been able to implement a manual scan as it previously existed in TradeSkillMaster. (Indeed, the results the scan IS showing are ones that aren't worth posting -- at least, not with the associated TSM operation. Would you like to run a full AH scan?" Is there anything I can do to avoid triggering this (which probably stupid city phasing)? I’ve updated TSM, I even am running separate shopping scans for each group so it’s not doing huge lists, but even if it’s only 10 or 20 pages for a few items, it hits this. TSM Transmog Auction Operation from Scratch Discussion Hey guys, there has been a rush of transmog farming recently and I've been getting a lot of questions about how to set up a min price for your transmog auctioning operation. 99% of TSM scan time is spent waiting on Blizzard to provide more data. And is there a fix or improvement possible? Thanks for any and all help fellow goblins. I could look at my crystal ball, but it would be much easier if you gave some insight about the items that you wanna sell and your settings or operations. Auctionator only fails less than TSM because you are spending more time between items setting up volume. Update to tsm now allows for manual scans by typing /tsm scan, so I reset all my tsm settings and removed auctioneer and have been just manually scanning on food bio breaks etc, total ah scan is actually relatively quick about 2-3 minutes PS what I like about using sniper scan is that it's constantly checking every auction so I just sit in the AH and buy stuff until I run out of money. same as if you posted at 50g and the next person also matched. Either download the desktop application or run a manual scan in-game. Blizzard hasn't published any auction house data in awhile. Nothing TSM can do if your connection to the server is slow, or the server itself is slow. e the Maximum price). On the top menu, go to Settings. Auctioneer also has a button to use the scan everything as well, using the same functionality as the now removed TSM scan. (the default UI is slow also) So I have been wondering, would it be possible to change how TSM does post/cancel scans? TSM (like any addon + the default UI) can only buy auctions which are on the currently-visible AH page, and this generally involves going and scanning for them. Why should players be able to auto list items as soon as buy outs under cuts or over cuts happen. Personally I wouldn't mess with any 3rd party softwares to create repeater keys or anything like that. 原帖太久不能编辑了重发一贴。原帖在此 根据TSM版本的改动,把涉及扫描功能的代码全部重新添加上,恢复了一个带扫描功能的版本,直接覆盖即可,但使用前务必看完以下注意事项。 Hi, I'm trying to run the default vendor scan for TSM. I have over 100+ listings usually and regularly cancel scan. Need to reload and then do another post scan, with 15-20% of the remaining auctions failing etc. csv file. It helped that with TSM it actually posts more stable. You can enter it another time in order to disable logging. I feel like i've tried everything to make it work. Select Shopping / Sniper from the left vertical menu. Today when I tried to get a post scan for my auction on TSM it would do an immediate post scan complete but nothing would showed up like it did the day before. I use API sniper to tell me what servers I need to log for speed items every hour, I log on that server, then use TSM scan to find the item for me. If you post a shit load of auctions with TSM and then go try to post a bunch with auctionator they will fail. The great thing about TSM is for posting items, especially xmog because of random enchants. Those are provided by Blizzard about once an hour. e the Minimum price) or too high (i. 4. Thanks for the guide, Nev. Removing the pets from the group's, readding them, adding it to another group, re-installing tsm, re-importing, manuel adding item id. The primary reason, in my eyes, is two fold First reason, if you will only rarely sell more than 1-2 (this can be any amount just using it as an example) of an item posting 20 of them wont make much sense as you're just setting yourself up to spend more time listing items and collecting them from the mailbox as well as paying extra money in AH deposits Maybe TSM partitions the auction pages into equal parts and does the search in parallel versus doing 1 page at a time. I thought it was maybe a specific item. Please rerun the scan". TSM is just something i wanna learn. I have just shared a guide to setup TSM Sniper quickly and easily so new goblins can get started on this kind of gold-making activity which can be very profittable once you master it. Edit changed the name of a tab Reply reply So I downloaded an update to TSM via the Curse client, and now I'm getting a message that pops up every time I log in to a character that says "WARNING: TSM_WoWuction doesn't currently have any pricing data". I went through some extensive testing to try and isolate the issue which included completely uninstalling everything related to TSM from my computer, resetting everything up, disabling all addons and turning my graphics down to shit. To update your TSM information, you will need to interact with the auction house and type "/tsm scan". This data will persist after logging out. The sort doesn't seem to be stable. Your auction operation would look like vendorsell / 0. Server size, and AH size, are directly related to how fast TSM can scan, buy, or post. Any advice or solutions? Feb 21, 2012 · Once you have done this all you need to do is go to the Auction House and do a posting scan, then when it's time to post the auctions simply hold the modifier key ( alt in my case ) and scroll up and down. You do not have your TSM Desktop Application installed, configured, and running. I've concluded that Auctioneer suits me best bc I use it just to check AH prices and not get ripped off when I want to buy something (very handy), and to automatically post the VERY occasional AH item. That means that the inverse of DBRegionSaleRate is the number of times, on average, you have to post before getting a sale. Please rerun the scan. Everyone is dealing with this. I haven't used TSM addon since WOD, but I remember I could post a big batch of auctions in about a minute. I'm not sure if it's intended or if Auctioneer is actually getting the data. [插件] 恢复TSM内的怀旧服游戏内扫描拍卖行数据(/tsm scan)功能. Addons can do about 2-5 of these before a 10 second delay kicks in. April 20, 2022 I have observed this. a trade skill organizer and auction generator. This means you can auction something using 110% crafting and TSM will calculate the crafting cost of the item, mark it up 10%, and post the auction –– all without the user having to do math for the literally hundreds or thousands of item recipes you know across all your characters. Jan 8, 2014 · Once you have done this all you need to do is go to the Auction House and do a posting scan, then when it's time to post the auctions simply hold the modifier key ( alt in my case ) and scroll up and down. That is when you see your auctions being posted up there rather fast without you having to click that post button 500 times. Groups and operations used: Sheyrah's Transmog. Nov 5, 2018 · The buyout sniper is by far the most useful one. The addon has a TON of optimizations built in to reduce the number of times it needs to wait on Blizzard, but ultimately it does need to get the data from Blizzard's server. This division applies to vendorbuy, vendorsell, crafting, avgbuy, avgsell, and smartavgbuy. Is it pebkac or is there any other issue that causes this? Also, is it possible to make full scan of the ah for items below vendor price? The scan starts out normal and then goes to Scanning 1/1 (Page 36/84) before it stops and goes to the "Done Posting" with the chat box message of "TSM failed to scan some auctions. The dashboard does show my Player Gold increasing by the amount it sold for at the time I remember selling it! :P Aug 16, 2018 · “Scan times are down to Blizzard infrastructure responsiveness. This is an issue on Blizzard's end and has been getting worse over the years and on some full EU servers the AH can be nearly unusable at peak hours because Is there anything I can do to avoid triggering this (which probably stupid city phasing)? I’ve updated TSM, I even am running separate shopping scans for each group so it’s not doing huge lists, but even if it’s only 10 or 20 pages for a few items, it hits this. Which you can then import into Excel. Cut them some slack. Cannot access this right now (and don't remember off the top of my head), but there are some existing threads / helpful FAQs on this either here on reddit or on the TSM website Went to try to post in Silvermoon (which is completely deserted on our realm) instead of Orgrimmar, but scanning times were more or less the same, maybe 20 sec difference with 500+ auctions. gg/wownoob --- Before you post, please do some Google searching to find answers and to avoid asking a question that has already been asked here. This triggers the AuctionOwnedListUpdateDelayed() method every single time an auction is posted. 1. You will see their comments scattered throughout WoW-related reddit forums. Reply The only thing I’ve changed on tsm settings is disabling the option to not post if there’s an auction below min (it posts at min or undercuts the person at mid I believe) and I’ve also taken out regionavgdb as a source for my searches/postings. for me at least some people seem to pick it up straight away. In both, you still need one button click per purchase. That's the problem. You also have to wait for TSM to scan all your auctions, which can take a few minutes if you have hundreds of items up. even though im pretty sure theres no wrong or right way. Whenever I scan with "Auction House DataBase aka AHDB" which is near instantly, Auctioneer pops up saying it did a scan as well. It is common for new users to approach TSM in the same way as the default Auction House or other Auction House addons and simply want to 'undercut the cheapest auction' - TSM does do this, but needs to be told when the 'cheapest auction' is too low (i. TSM allows you to bind their macro key to the scroll wheel as well, if you have a free spinning scroll wheel you can essentially do this with very few actions (check out the macro section in TSM settings). Anyway there's a solution! If you don't already download and use the TSM App. Aug 2, 2021 · If you have verified the TSM Desktop Application is installed, configured, and running - it may be that your pricing data in-game is older than expected. Stupid bug but Blizzard is nothing but a small indie company. I get the error: TSM failed to scan some auctions. Now I have to click the button (or hit the macro with a mouse wheel) and wait for 2-5 seconds per item to post. In TSM v4, doing a shopping scan doesn't update my AuctionDB. This is especially true with how fast things fall off the last page because of how many people are playing and how slow AH scanning is (due to Blizzard being slow) right now. Anyone having problems with TSM posting taking forever? Not the scan, but hitting the post button. Would you like to run a full AH scan?" TSM Service Status If you're missing pricing data, there's a chance TSM or Blizzard are experiencing issues. Now, when you enter the game and interact with any auctioneer, TSM pops up and asks you to do a scan, you select "NO"! Anyone have issues when doing regular post scans? They just seem to fail and not scan every item and I get the error of TSM FAILED TO SCAN SOME AUCTIONS. How do I increase the font size? I just tried it, the macro makes the popup not appear but after you "post" each auction it just returns with "Retrying x auction(s) which failed". 95 + 1s or 120% vendorsell / 0. In both, you press the SNIPE button and both PBS and TSM automation will repetitively scan the AH, albeit in different ways with different performance. I think it's related to how TSM sorts auctions. Earlier this year (I think, might be from last year), Blizzard decided to throttle systemic auction cancel scans to combat AH lag caused by excessive scanning. That's why I want to help others as well. I saved a lot of time. Just out questing, it would crash, so I didn't even consider TSM as the culprit. Mar 11, 2011 · Some people are even buying ALL of them, simply to have ALL of them. Then you just have to figure out if you want to buy the item. Reply reply It won't update any of the fancy TSM Desktop App price sources but if you need bare bones current server prices, this would be the route to go for now. I have gone from 0 auctions to 500+ auctions within a weekend of just random stuff. Aug 29, 2021 · This is due to the Post Cap in your Auctioning Operation being an invalid value, or set to 0. This happens all the time and I can't figure out why. im having alot of trouble trying to cancels large amount of auctions, i use the tsm scroll macro, and i updated it with tsm 4 but when i use it after a big cancels scan it will just freeze up my game for a second and 2 and no clear info is given about about confirmed or waiting to be confirmed to be cancelled, it will often just stop or seems to stop, i then i have to redo the whole cancelscan I tried looking at using Regional prices for the affected goods, and while some are pretty close, a bunch of those are significantly lower than what I believe to be the actual market value for my realm. I made a couple of groups, added the items I wanted and then set up an auctioneer operation for them. I was able to do a manual shopping scan of various crafting materials and craftables to get accurate prices to determine profitability. For some reason I thought the AuctionDB data stayed up to date automatically before, but this doesn't appear to be the case. The post scan option will go through all the groups you have selected and post auctions according to your operations. This is as close as it gets. Why does my addon keep telling me No Recent AuctionDB Scan Data Found? This message is displayed in two scenarios. TradeSkillMaster Support Center helps you to find FAQ, how-to guides and step-by-step tutorials. The "Internal Auction Error" message is from Blizzard, and not necessarily related to any issue with TSM. Third, I'm thinking about the auction I just undercut. TSM has the option to ignore random enchants when creating groups which makes the xmog life sooooooo much easier. I've normally been skipping the items that have such a large disparity in price (what TSM says is my minimum is vs. It's like 70 actions a minute and you start getting throttled hard. The throttling you speak if is the per item scan, that only gets upto 50 at a time. -- While we only allow Q&A posts here, our Discord is great for those topics that don't fit here! discord. To check for undercut auctions, you need to highlight the group you are wanting to check, and then press "Start Cancel Scan". The best thing I could think of to do is what's mentioned above, scan through your professions and look at the tooltips for items that have 0 auctions up as of the last update. Aug 4, 2022 · Reply Post by 吉基尔博士 (2024-07-23 08:41): assertion failed 是什么错误啊? 能解决吗? 这是一类错误不是一个错误,还有具体的报错内容。出现too long基本就没救了,出现setwidth应该是之前版本的tsm数据有bug,你删掉tsm的数据再进去 you can set it up to sell the max in your settings, just type /tsm, then go to the operations settings at the top, on the left is the auctioning dropdown, then click the Posting tab of whichever operation you choose in the TSM settings, make sure to hit enter after hitting the amount you want (stack size max is 1000, posting cap is 200), then click allow partial stacks, if you want this done This shows the price of the cheapest auction, the number of auctions, and the name of the auction. Aug 29, 2021 · Please fill out the contact form below and we will reply as soon as possible. Dont know if knowing its exactly 55000 where it stops might help in fixing, but thouht i would share. This is fundamentally different from how things work. It seems to be similar but not same to the "fully automated functions" TSM has had for years. The AH is so slow with so many users, and I believe the server slows down or overloaded with all the scanning for all items. Pretty sure I'm doing everything right. Any items that have a buyout that is lower than the price defined in that item’s sniper operation will show up below and TSM will play a sound. Post Scans. If so, exclude it from your posting (I've just been throwing them in the bank) and try again. The only times TSM or auctioneer should scan for you is when you are posting something, and it needs to scan that specific item. Under Sniper Options -> “Found auction sound" dropdown, select any sound you want. 如题,输入/tsm scan 也扫描不了。现在用auctioneer扫描,有没有大神知道怎么导入数据到tsm。求大佬们抬一手。 附件 Sep 30, 2016 · First of all, this is for TSM users only! (TradeSkillMaster addon). I use TSM just to post auctions in manually configured groups, not to shop, and I don't want to maintain a database of item prices for TSM. You don’t get any bonus id info like levels and rarity, but for most shopping that’s fine. Maybe someone has a better idea. I know for me Hero's Boots and Mystical Robe will just never scan. This is making my postings take a very long to complete on each character. How do I increase the font size? Apr 29, 2020 · Hello all, primarily those familiar and dominating in the auction house community. Maybe this is a bug, is anyone else having this problem? If TSM shows a value for cost, and I want that changed or updated, how do I update TSM to properly show the cost. Most of my auctions are gems, enchants, and similar crafted materials, so there's a high likelihood I'll be undercut well before even the 12-hour mark. I don't want to alienate those buyers. TSM can cancel all your undercut auctions with a few scrolls of your mousewheel, and post them with a few more scrolls of your mousewheel, but you will still have to go to the mailbox to pick up the canceled items. It's not a general scan, it's a targeted scan (only looking for a few items) with TSM since it's the best for finding it once I know what server it's on. I’ve used TradeSkillMaster for some time now, but I have always found myself going back to Auctionator or the default interface as of 8. So today I found this method of scanning the auction house in an instant, instead of scanning trough 40-50 pages of those damn ores. Right. Besides that, I am constantly getting failed auction posts, about 15-20% of my auctions fail and the addon gets hung up. So the ah feels responsive to people who only use it for a few items. Open TSM Core (/tsm) Select "Operations" on the top TSM horizontal nav bar In the left selection pane, the top option is "Auctioning", click the carat to the left of "Auctioning" to open the list of auctioning operations Select "#Default" to open the auction operation The only negative effect this might have is that some (very few) of your auctions will expire that otherwise would sell simply because there are now more slightly cheaper auctions available. SlashCommands. I have a few items that tsm won't scan. The way this works is it scans the AH for the item and resolves your pricing rules. It was definitely available back in the day as I went fully overboard and went from . The time it takes to 'find' an item and list it is entirely limitted on the rate at which auction house pages load. If you don't like TSM I'm sure there are other AH addons that can help. for now while im reading and watching vids im just gonna use auctioneer to undercut stacks while I get tsm sorted out. I'll try to write some tips. So expected number of postings = 1/DBRegionSaleRate TSM thrives at what it sets out to be. Instead of doing 1 at a time for 50 seconds total, TSM divides the pages by 5 and has 10 separate programs (threads) searching their own 5 pages. And u can configure it using a price source so like 110%dbmarket. Nothing is wrong on your end. How do I increase the font size? Yeah I asked in the TSM discord and was told either reloading UI or doing a scan at the AH is needed to update the data from the desktop client. I wondered that too and BilisOnyxia told me that AtrValue was the source for Auctionator scans, corresponding to DBMinBuyout in TSM. EDIT: Problem solved. There are some things you can do, such as posting from a less-populated city like Shattrath, that may reduce a bit of lag but it will be negligible in the long-run. There are still more bugs that are present with the current AH. " I re-run the scan multiple times, and maybe after 6 or 7 tries, it finally allows me to cancel or post. Welcome to WoWnoob, where we encourage new players and veterans alike to ask questions and share answers to help each other out. May 15, 2013 · A fresh scan updates the market values TSM uses to determine the profit margins, and that allows you to choose what you craft wisely. But when I hit post scan, it doesn't do anything. If your TSM price data is more than an hour old, /reload in game to bring the latest prices in from the TSM desktop app. There's an option in the Auctioneer scanner config that says "Scan manual searches and searches by other addons" so it might be getting the Apr 17, 2011 · Reply Post by 信仰之域 (2019-10-15 16:20): 是改那个文件里的判断句? if WOW_PROJECT_ID == WOW_PROJECT_CLASSIC then TSM. Every time I run it, two or three items appear and quickly disappear in the first line, tsm says done scanning and no output. csv into a SQL DB, turns out starti Don't know what to tell you, using the Classic auction house without an addon is a complete waste of time since you can't even sort by buyout price. Oct 1, 2018 · Below the group selection you have two options, “Run Post Scan” and “Run Cancel Scan”. No there is no legit addon that will automatically do anything for you. It's during logging out that the saved variables update as well so keep that in mind. If you click it TSM will continuously scan the last page of the auctions house. Like my favorite list wont freaking stay after log-in (most annoying, more annoying than the gold not comming haha) I just need to research more this is more confusing than i thought. Normally it's once per hour and it's what TSM uses to keep everything up to date. It notes down the information for all the auctions on a page and then moves to the next apge. Is this just because WoWuction is separate from TSM and they update their data daily instead of every 1-2 hrs like AuctionDB? Is there ANY solutions or fixes available to combat internal auction errors. 3 for the Auction House, just because in all the years I had played, I have been struggling to make a profit with or without TSM, and I have nearly given up (and went back to We just release a new version which should fix many of the causes of scans getting stuck. So, scribes are still selling essentially the same number of glyphs, they are just selling a greater variety, which means that a "volume" addon such as TSM becomes invaluable. Welcome to the Knockout City Reddit! If you're here, you already know: it ain't dodgeball--it's dodgeBRAWL! F2P team-based action multiplayer w/ crossplay. I have been posting it for 48 hour duration so TSM would pick it up but it doesn't. ____ Common Questions. Values for SoD are updating automatically, you don't need to perform the manual scan. /s The TSM app for WoW Classic cannot provide scan information. It was very intersting and useful to read them. I do a lot of things the same way you do with TSM and my own glyphs. As for auctions, the overwhelming majority of auctions I post are 12-hour auctions to minimize deposits. 3 launched, and how much faster it is now that Blizzard have reverted or relaxed the more The more pets i posted, the more i started to notice an issue with the TSM post scan not posting some pets in their groups. 10 after 1 second you can see all pet prices and %s and begin selecting auctions to buy right after you start the scan. It'll update your AuctionDB data, but perhaps it's best feature is that it will automatically back up your TSM groups and operations for you at a time interval of your choosing. Plus Phatlewts recommends it and that alone is a good enough reaosn to get it TSM has a setting to show a warning before u buy something over a certain threshold. Every single time I open the AH, TSM pops up a warning that says "TSM does not have recent AuctionDB data. Interestingly I also tried manually clicking the accept button each time and the auctions STILL failed to post, sadness. I can't seem to find where or if TSM keeps track of Failed Auctions in a way that's actually helpful, specifically for a large amount of Transmog items. And some people change their AH alts every so often you do know that posting at 50g works the same as posting at 49g99s99c right? The auction house sells the most recent posted, so even if you posted at the 49g99s99c the next person to post will match yours and you will still be lower on the totem pole. This would have appeared as your TSM scan pausing for a while, but importantly would not have impacted posting speed as the recent throttling did. Something like Scarlet Belt which is on PhatLewts tmog list and on some servers sells for a ton is constantly showing up in my "deals" page. The 'failing' on TSM are the AH throttling you. typing and searching (regular search) uses the percentage as its selected in the /tsm->settings, the default is "100% dbmarket" iirc selecting a group and doing a shopping scan will use the source assigned in the shopping operationg assined to that group Jul 16, 2019 · 你这种肯定是之前版本的tsm数据,如果不重要就删掉再进游戏就好了 Anyone else found that since swapping to TSM 4 the post scan is taking several times longer than it was with TSM 3. Hilarious enough, if you put the next item in and create auction for that, the previously failed auction item gets listed instead. The only shortcoming is that it can't track individual items. Ever since 4. The problem with that is that you scan for what's there, not what's missing. Now I'm just trying to put some BFA mats up on the auction house and it's taking over 5 minutes to scan, maybe even 10. TSM would be instant if Blizzard could handle/allowed for it, however Auction House activity and stacks of 1 are slowing everything down on their side. People who do full scans are ruining it for everyone. The shopping UI. If I have an item in my inventory that's been cycling through the auction house for weeks and weeks without a purchase, I think it might be time to remove it from my shopping list, at least, to Is there ANY solutions or fixes available to combat internal auction errors. Some people indirectly helped me (goblins from this sub, Samadan, Lazygolmaker and others). So using TSM is a must. I could have swore it was possible to queue posting by hitting the macro. The DBMarket prices will require a scan with tsm. G. Why should players get to instantly see all of the data on any item simply by scrolling over it sell through rates, minimum and Mar 6, 2022 · It is common for new users to approach TSM in the same way as the default Auction House or other Auction House addons and simply want to 'undercut the cheapest auction' - TSM does do this, but needs to be told when the 'cheapest auction' is too low (i. TSM App was the best things I downloaded in the package, it saves you time in scanning and it helps keep your prices competitive so they will move. We believe the fact that people are just now noticing this shows how slow the Auction House has been since 8. Nope. But you have to set the right checks in the TSM app. Hello, fellow Auctioneer user! I haven't used TSM but have researched it some. Meaning if you have 2 [Amazing Sword of Awesome] and you're posting both, you only get the total times an auction for [Amazing Sword of Awesome] has expired, not how many times [Amazing Sword of Awesome #1] has failed. Second, you never need to use /tsm scan. (Optional) Getting Notified in the Background: Open the TSM UI by typing “/tsm” in the chat window. the current Auction DB minimum buyout), and I was just trying to figure out why some items have such a large disparity -- and fix it so I don't have to skip those auctions anymore. Let us know in Discord if you run into any TSM issues with this update. I have been posting a certain item on ah for days now. Maybe some other price sources. on TBCC I am plagued with errors while using TSM after running a cancel scan and then trying to remove auctions. Refer to the TradeSkillMaster Service Status or our Blizzard Auction House API tracker to check Don't forget, there are also TSM Support channels on the WoW Economy Discord Server. AuctionDB. Without one, you may accidentally craft something that would Pretty sure TSM or Auctionator can export your latest scan as a . Why should players be able to scan every single item and price on the auction house in just 30 seconds. One thing is for sure, if you would set your minimum price to 10% dbmarket, you will be the cheapest offer at the auction house and got increased chances for selling them :) TSM Service StatusIf you're missing pricing data, there's a chance TSM or Blizzard are experiencing issues. I have macros set up to post. In essence, it helps you create an industry out of the auction house. If you want to cancel all, select the first auction and spam Cancel. This number is the fraction of sales divided by the total number of auctions. At the Auction House you can type /tsm scan to update both your DBMinBuyout and your DBMarket values. Finally I noticed a trend in it happening so often in the AH that the ledger wasn't catching anything to do a cancel scan on, making me think that cancel scan was broken when, in actuality, it was crashes causing the ledger to not record the session. Hundreds of scans with just one push. lua in the function private:ShouldCancel(). So, long story short dbMarket is way too high for some goods, and dbRegionMarketAvg tends too hit or miss to be consistently useful. I tried reset my wowuction code and made sure it was enabled for my server, however it is still not letting me. ” Please, please, please tell me that we CAN post while TSM 4 is running a scan!!! Stormrage AH is huge and many times my toons will phase out long before a post scan finishes! At least with TSM 3 I could get 1/2 to 3/4 of the post before I phased. Hello WoWEconomy, Verdokas here from the Too Greedy blog. The item doesn't show up in Ledger / Revenue / Sales, or in Ledger / Failed Auctions / Cancelled. PLEASE RERUN THE SCAN. " Second, some buyers respond negatively to a 1c undercut and buy the next highest priced item in the AH. You need to divide by 0. It says "Post Scan Finished", but literally nothing happens. First We will take a look at the shopping UI. Every purchase requires a hardware click (button or key press). If I have to wait thru the entire scan post, I won't make it! This can be done using the command /tsm scan in your chat box. How do I increase the font size? When I run a scan manually in the AuctionDB tab of the AH, it completes the scan but doesn't seem to save it anywhere because when I /reload it gives me a popup window that says "AuctionDB does not currently have any pricing data for your realm. Or I want to set the cost of mat to 1 copper cause I farmed it, and I just want to play with the numbers for fun. RunScan, L["Performs a full, manual scan of the AH to populate some AuctionDB data if none is otherwise available. For example, lets say 1 page takes 1 second to scan and there is 50 pages. A common mistake is setting this value to 0 in an attempt to set 'no limit' to how many items to post, where this will simply disable posting for that operation. On the surface, it did some common thing for a raid or dungeon boss, but had a lot more in the code than necessary which deceived you into buying these absurd auctions. The scan is just looking for information on the items. Mar 20, 2008 · [插件][正式服][求助]tsm无法扫描,Auction用了,下了个auctioneer要怎么导入tsm里面做价格库. Found a solution to the problem! First, make sure that: Turn TSM Debugging ON ( /tsm debug logging ) in-game chat, should return "TSM: Logging to chat enabled". TSM v3 had an option to do a partial or complete scan of the auction house apart from the app. ) Here is a screenshot showing the post scan, the group in TSM, and my bag with enchanting mats. . you don't have to post lower unless the market rate is lower, posting at the Whenever I do a tmog scan for items to buy, if there are more than 2 for sale on the server anywhere near my allowable buy price, I don't buy it. Really at the point I’m just going to send all my gold to my alchemist and just make raid flasks and hope that gets me a profit. Today I will go into the other side of the AH, which means the shopping side of TSM. fbfib gaz kqmgyf otlec kczxi griy nyqgvhz nyecgfiw btgj oqulxd