Cobol inspect replacing trailing. Inspect/Tallying for Trailing/Replacing Trailing.

Cobol inspect replacing trailing 2. 3. I need to match to see if field-b (for a length of field-b-length) occurs anywhere in field-a, ie if field-b = 'DOG' and field-a = 'MANY PEOPLE LIKE DOGS BUT SOME PREFER CATS (followed by spaces to a length of 100)' it would match them. This was recently added maybe in version 6. Syntax - * Replacing all characters INSPECT ws-input-string REPLACING CHARACTERS BY {ws-replacing-char|replacing-literal}. field-1 (1:12) is field one first position with 12 characters. To prevent the INSPECT verb from trying to match on trailing spaces introduced by: MOVE 'kartik' TO WS-TAG I had to specify a reference modified value for INSPECT to search for. INSPECT Statement (JVM COBOL) INSPECT Statement ( JVM COBOL ) Jun 23, 2004 · To all, I have been trying to find a simple, elegant way to remove the leading spaces from an alpha field, and I'm striking out big-time. Mar 17, 2006 · When I say move field-1 (1:12) to field-2 (10:12) it allows you to move a portion of one field into a portion of a second field without replacing the remaing or unused part of the second field. This field must be initialized to ZERO before inspect is done. ws-replacing-char - Specifies the characters that replaces ws-replaced-char. Dec 14, 2018 · A solution with INSPECT, that works for embedded spaces, too, would also use an extension not available everywhere with the TRAILING phrase. add leading-ctr, trailing-ctr giving space-ctr. NET COBOL ) Zero Suppression involves omitting leading zeros from a number, and replacement editing involves replacing leading zeros with another character, typically a space or an asterisk (*). If TRIM is not available you can use Reference Modification. ; ws-tally-count - A numeric variable where the count is stored. Mar 30, 2022 · If those spaces are seen in the output file then you likely would want to adjust it to be "LINE SEQUENTIAL" (=auto-trim right spaces with most COBOL implementors, you have not specified which one you use) INSPECT source [ TALLYING counter FOR TRAILING comp-value ] [ REPLACING TRAILING target BY replace] TRAILING is an ACUCOBOL-GT extension. Thanks everyone. INSPECT performs its operations on strings and requires that the source data item be designated USAGE DISPLAY. For REPLACING, the replaced value must have length > 1 . Apr 30, 2014 · INSPECT SORT-WORKER-MID REPLACING TRAILING SPACES BY LOW-VALUES. move 0 to space-ctr. Oct 31, 2007 · JCL & VSAM: Hi all, Is there any way out by which we can replace the leading spaces by zeroes. Can anyone help to remove the trailing blanks in ws-string. NET COBOL ) Provides the ability to perform tally, replace, tally and replace, and convert and tally trailing operations on a data item. If a TRAILING occurrence is found, a right to left scan of the source data item is made to find contiguous occurrences. Example: In the following example, the INSPECT statement examines and replaces characters in data item DATA-2. You can do one or the other or both. MOVE EINN01 OF FORMAT1 TO X. MOVE FUNCTION REVERSE(CHAR-W81) Mar 20, 2009 · Inspect ws-string tallying ws-cnt for characters. PDF - Download cobol for free Previous Next This modified text is an extract of the original Stack Overflow Documentation created by following contributors and released under CC BY-SA 3. INSPECT Statement (JVM COBOL) INSPECT Statement ( JVM COBOL ) Provides the ability to perform tally, replace, tally and replace, and convert and tally trailing operations on a data item. You could also explore the INSPECT statement using the REPLACING option (Format 2). inspect with replacing all low values by spaces 2. move long-field (leading-ctr + 1:populated) to zip-code. I would like to replace special characters with Spaces and then find any 9 digit numeric value( at end) is t IBM Mainframe Forum Mainframe Technical Support Forums Provides the ability to perform tally, replace, tally and replace, and convert and tally trailing operations on a data item. Specify zero suppression and replacement editing with a string of one or more of the allowable symbols to represent leftmost character positions in which zero suppression and replacement editing can be performed. INSPECT Statement (JVM COBOL) INSPECT Statement ( JVM COBOL ) INSPECT VREPLACING is a modified version of the COBOL statement, INSPECT REPLACING. Parameters - ws-input-string - Specifies the input string or variable. Sep 26, 2011 · A. General Rules: The REPLACING clause is designed to identify a string of characters in identifier-1 or in a subset of the characters in identifier-1 as defined by the after before clause, and replace them with an alternative string of characters of the same size. In using the TALLYING format of the INSPECT, you are tallying into a field that is a counter. . Note, that compilers like AcuCOBOL (now part of Micro Focus's COBOL offerings) have a Language Extension which offers TRAILING as an option for INSPECT. Syntax Provides the ability to perform tally, replace, tally and replace, and convert and tally trailing operations on a data item. above is very important, as the inspect function does not initialize the field before Tallying. INSPECT Statement (JVM COBOL) INSPECT Statement ( JVM COBOL ) You want to use: inspect field_name replacing last "/" by" " "trailing" specifies a reverse match of contiguous "/"s starting at the end of the field. ; General Rules: The TALLYING clause is designed to count the number of CHARACTERS, or the iterations of a character string found in identifier-1, or in a subset of the characters in identifier-1 as defined by the after before clause. > > call 'c_soutine' using w-param. using instrinc function REVERSE MOVE FUNCTION REVERSE(INPUT) TO INPUT-R. U r talking about INSPECT REPLACING Code: INSPECT FUNCTION REVERSE(WS-LOB-CLASS-CODE) REPLACING LEADING SPACES BY ZEROES. Aug 31, 2018 · inspect worttxt3 tallying loo for characters before initial spaces. INSPECT FUNCTION REVERSE (TEMP Nov 8, 2016 · The INSPECT yourtext REPLACING BY SPACES leaves spaces. However, I have often wondered why >not. For instance, this would cope when SORT-WORKER-LAST contained something like "VAN DYKE". Oct 8, 2008 · COBOL Programming: Please help me out. Statement: INSPECT TALLYING ALL / INSPECT REPLACING ALL. INSPECT FLDI REPLACING CHARACTERS BY "X" Sep 12, 2014 · move 0 to trailing-ctr. If a TRAILING occurrence is found, a right to left scan of the source data item is made to find INSPECT TALLYING FOR LEADING SPACES The following COBOL program depicts the use of INSPECT TALLYING FOR LEADING SPACES 01 TEST-STRING PIC X(40) VALUE SPACES. This should be able to do pretty much the same thing - just replace Aug 28, 2018 · You may want to have a look at STRING stuff DELIMITED BY delimiter , if you don't need the original strings to stay untouched you may use INSPECT var REPLACING TRAILING SPACES BY LOW-VALUE to create a delimiter. NET COBOL ) INSPECT TALLYING ALL / INSPECT REPLACING ALL. Nov 29, 2019 · REPLACING cannot change the position of characters within a data item, INSPECT CONVERTING may be used to prepare the data item for subsequent operations. In the following, the procedure strip-string first converts all characters, to be replaced, to a single common character, in this case, LOW-VALUES . Example #8: This statement will replace all B with G. The first instance of the character A that follows the first instance of the character C is replaced by the character 2. FLDH will start as ABCBDFB and will become AGCGDFG. BEFORE ws-replace-delimeter2|delimeter-literal2 - Specifies replacing begins at the leftmost character position and continues till the first occurrence of the delimiter. Step b. Had I simply used: FOR CHARACTERS BEFORE WS-TAG Provides the ability to perform tally, replace, tally and replace, and convert and tally trailing operations on a data item. NET COBOL) Provides the ability to perform tally, replace, tally and replace, and convert and tally trailing operations on a data item The following symbols are mutually exclusive as floating replacement symbols in one PICTURE character-string: Z * + - cs. String Handling Statements Tutorial BEFORE REPLACING: COBOL LANGUAGE IS A HIGH LEVEL LANGUAGE WS-CNT1: 04 WS-CNT2: 03 WS TRAILING is an MF extension, used to find the rightmost occurrence or set of contiguous occurrences in a source data item. It seems an obvious extension to me. REPLACING can be coded this TRAILING is an MF extension, used to find the rightmost occurrence or set of contiguous occurrences in a source data item. 01 some-n pic 9(10). ターゲット文字列が検出されて置き換えられると、inspect replacingプロセスは検出された文字列の最後から再開される。 これにより、対象の文字列を重複して置き換えてしまうことを防ぐことができ、TALLYINGの場合と非常に似ている。 Jun 11, 2004 · I haven't created the code yet (much less tested it). Data types: PIC X. MOVE EINN02 OF FORMAT1 TO Y. rjust. NET COBOL ) Nov 24, 2014 · Yes, COBOL is very much capable of handling such conditions and more; there are various methods to achieve this, depending on your comfort level with COBOL. 01 WS String handling statements are used to handle and manipulate strings. Field-b-length is the position of its last non-blank byte. "Jim Morcombe" wrote: >This is not part of the standard 85. INSPECT SORT-WORKER-LAST REPLACING TRAILING SPACES BY LOW-VALUES. Sort of. If both are done, the TALLYING is done before the replacing. pic x(100) field-b Both left-justified & capitalized. SEPARATE - This specifies that the sign is stored as a separate character, either before (for LEADING) or after (for TRAILING) the numeric digits. program-id. Provides the ability to perform tally, replace, tally and replace, and convert and tally trailing operations on a data item. If a TRAILING occurrence is found, a right to left scan of the source data item is made to find May 26, 2009 · COmmon Business-Oriented Language. If you post your requirement fully, There is a possibility to solve it with some other means. Aug 28, 2015 · pic x(100) field-a and. MOVE EINA01 OF FORMAT1 (X:Y) TO AUSA01 OF FORMAT1. ws-replaced-char - Specifies the characters in string to replace. INSPECT Statement (. using reverse function i am trying to retrieview only the data part but i am failing at the count part. > > > inspect w-param replacing trailing spaces by low-values. It is used to find the rightmost occurrence, or set of contiguous occurrences, in the source data item. This means that AAABBAAA will become XXXBBAAA. Re: Inspect for traling spaces If your restricted to non-ILE Cobol, then the best method is to move your string to an array, then process the array backwards and replace each space with a the new value. If you didn't In the following example, the INSPECT statement examines and replaces characters in data item DATA-2. Despite of multiple UNSTRING or use of FUNCTION REVERSE or an intermediate left-/right-aligned field I'm only aware of a manual counting approach, please provide more approaches if you think something It's a way to replace all instances of certain characters with target characters. inspect long-field tallying trailing-ctr for trailing spaces. 0 Sep 10, 2008 · It wont have leading spaces, it will have trailing spaces like 'E6 ' In this case I cant even say INSPECT CT-E6 REPLACING ALL ' ' BY '0' coze it will make it 'E60000' 'E6 ' should look in file as '0000E6' Sorry for not being clear. INSPECT Statement (JVM COBOL) INSPECT Statement ( JVM COBOL ) The INSPECT statement can be used to tally the number of occurrences of specific character strings, to replace characters by other characters, or to convert from one set of characters to another. Note, even the 2014 COBOL Standard does not have TRAILING as an option for INSPECT. Inspect Tallying and Replacing Example. As SaggingRufus said: please always May 7, 2016 · I'm working on converting some legacy COBOL code and came across a statement like this: INSPECT WS-LOCAL-VAR REPLACING ALL X'0D25' BY ' ' I understand that the INSPECTREPLACING ALL statement will look through WS-LOCAL-VAR, match the pattern X'0D25' and replace it with a space. If you've ever been to an actual COBOL committee meeting (CODASYL in the old days), you'd wonder how anything got into the standard. ; identifier-n is a data element, literal, or data returned from a function call. inspect function reverse(one-b) tallying one-b-tly for leading spaces. This unit examines the first of three string handling verbs and aims to provide you with a solid understanding of its various formats and modifying phrases. > > This is very useful for calling C routines, now you can use on cobol > strings. 02‏/03‏/2015 The second release of IBM's groundbreaking new COBOL compiler For INSPECT TALLYING and INSPECT REPLACING VALUE1 NOT = ZERO 00 0. The COBOL INSPECT statement lets you count characters in a field or replace characters in a field. Syntax: identifier-n is a data element, literal, or data returned from a function call. INSPECT can be used in one of the following format as per requirement:-Syntax 1: (Counting characters in a string : INSPECT TALLYING) Syntax 2: (Counting characters in a string: INSPECT REPLACING) Syntax 3: (Counting & replacing together) Syntax 4: (INSPECT with CONVERTING option) Syntax 1: (Counting characters in a string : INSPECT TALLYING) May 21, 2021 · For leading zeroes: use COBOL editing. INSPECT Statement (JVM COBOL) INSPECT Statement ( JVM COBOL ) Aug 6, 2009 · Am talking about FUNCTIOBN REVERSE with INSPECT REPLACING . The INSPECT statement provides the ability to tally (Format 1), replace (Format 2), tally and replace (Format 3) , convert (Format 4) and tally trailing (Format 5). Aug 10, 2013 · INSPECT in COBOL is primarily used for manipulating text/string. After replacement has occurred in a given character position in the inspected item, no further replacement for that character position is made in this execution of the INSPECT statement. Nov 16, 2013 · This variable is longer than the actual tag value you are looking for. Inspect/Tallying for Trailing/Replacing Trailing. INSPECT INPUT-R TALLYING CNTR FOR LEADING SPACES. INSPECT performs three basic functions: TALLYING, REPLACING, and CONVERTING. identification division. above is optional, and may be used only if it is possible that the string contains trailing low-values, instead of spaces. ws-replacing-char|replacing-literal - Specifies the characters that replaces ws-replaced-char. All other identifiers or literals must be of data types COBOL Programming: Hi Friends, Could some one please explain the follwoing code with example: i mean input and out put value. NET COBOL) INSPECT Statement ( . data division. TRAILING in this case, or both in the example below. It appears I'm going to have to redefine the alpha field as an array of single characters (shades of C!!) and loop though the array, doing byte-by-byte comparisons and moving to another array. COBOL too, uses Intrinsic Functions for some tasks but most string manipulation is done using Reference Modification and the three string handling verbs : INSPECT, STRING and UNSTRING. INSPECT Statement (JVM COBOL) INSPECT Statement ( JVM COBOL ) The INSPECT statement provides the ability to tally (Format 1), replace (Format 2), tally and replace (Format 3) , convert (Format 4) and tally trailing (Format 5). What I don't understand is the purpose of the X outside of '0D25'. identifier-1 must be of type string. However, you COULD do an INSPECT to tally the number of characters before the first space, then reference modify a move of all "trailing characters" to the original space location, then repeat until all spaces are at end of non-space data. NET COBOL) Provides the ability to perform tally, replace, tally and replace, and convert and tally trailing operations on a data item Como remplazar o cambiar los caracteres en una cadena de caracteres en Cobol puede serte de mucha utilidad. The INSPECT statement has four different formats that vary based on the use of the Tallying, Replacing, and Converting clauses. thanks ^_^. procedure division. I'm not in the office today to try compiling this. Does this work in IBM Enterprise COBOL for z/OS? Does the COBOL standard say INSPECT. Embedded space you want to keep. Some of our courses are priced lower than t 16609 COBOL V5. INSPECT FLDG TALLYING CTRG FOR LEADING SPACE BEFORE INITIAL 5. COBOL V . All other identifiers or literals must be of data types This example will show how to scan a field and replace or convert a text string within a field with a text string value of a different length by extending the functionality provided by the COBOL inspect statement using the replacing or converting format. Feb 11, 2014 · If you have intrinsics, shuffle a FUNCTION TRIM, with LEADING or TRAILING as fits purpose, through a pic 9. Jul 29, 2011 · Method 4: Condition the last receiving field from UNSTRING by replacing trailing non digit/non decimal point characters with spaces. Inspect; String; Unstring; Inspect. V4 behavior: Use regular instructions or runtime calls Jul 29, 2018 · 1. Syntax: numeric-data-n is a numeric data item. STRING SORT-WORKER-LAST " " SORT-WORKER-FIRST " " SORT-WORKER-MID DELIMITED BY LOW-VALUE INTO REC-VSAM-NAME. Jul 3, 2009 · inspect function reverse (ws-work-field) TALLYING WS-NBR-OF-TRAILING-BLANKS FOR LEADING SPACE COMPUTE WS-LENGTH-OF-DATA May 5, 2010 · OK, this is in the COBOL forum. Or, if you have a "recent" compiler produce some intermendiate "stuff" with FUNCTION TRIM(var). Can anyone provide me the solution along with the code or explanation. INSPECT Statement (JVM COBOL) INSPECT Statement ( JVM COBOL ) Zero Suppression involves omitting leading zeros from a number, and replacement editing involves replacing leading zeros with another character, typically a spa TRAILING - This denotes that the sign will be at the end of the data. INSPECT Statement (JVM COBOL) INSPECT Statement ( JVM COBOL ) Ferran, > I have updated the compiler and the runtime to make it possible the > inbstruction > > INSPECT xxxxx REPLACING TRAILING aaaa by bbbb. REPLACING. ; ws-tally-char|tally-literal - Specifies the characters that should find the number of occurrences in the count ws-input-string. INSPECT yourtext REPLACING BY "" is not allowed (both need to be the same length or the replacing identifier be a figurative constant: SPACE[S], ZERO[S|ES], or QUOTE[S]) - a good compiler will output an understandable message if you try this. "Leading", "embedded" and "trailing". Define an area larger than the original area and using a perform to loop scan and move, one byte at a time from the original to the destination area, replacing the one byte with the multiple bytes as needed. 01 DATA-2 PIC X(11). You want to replace one character with more than one character. But when I look in the IBM Enterprise COBOL manual for z/OS, there is no TRAILING option for INSPECT. INSPECT VREPLACING is a modified version of the COBOL statement, INSPECT REPLACING. 1. Step a. The INSPECT verb has two options, TALLYING and REPLACING. INSPECT DATA-2 REPLACING FIRST "A" BY "2" AFTER INITIAL "C" TRAILING is an MF extension, used to find the rightmost occurrence or set of contiguous occurrences in a source data item. NET COBOL) Provides the ability to perform tally, replace, tally and replace, and convert and tally trailing operations on a data item Sep 9, 2008 · If you use the hex-notation for a Quote (X'7D') and an INSPECT CONVERTING, this will be the most efficient process. You should not use a single MOVE a value of x'F0F0F0F1F2F0F0' to a comp-3 field - and there is no reason that you should. There are none, since the field ends in a sequence of spaces. The INSPECT statement can be used to tally the number of occurrences of specific character strings, to replace characters by other characters, or to convert from one set of characters to another. inspect-1 Inspect Tallying and Replacing Example. These statements are essential for processing textual data, allowing for modifications, evaluations, and extractions of character data within a COBOL program. Two quick methods are either by using 'INSPECT' or by using a well-coded 'PERFORM VARYING' construct with logic built to handle your requirement. 01 str pic x(10) value '123 '. I found ws-cnt return 50, exceed my expectation 25. Input X(8) - 999 output X(8) - 00000999 i do Inspect/Tallying for Trailing/Replacing Trailing. I outlined this solution a litte earlier in this question. MOVE FILE-FIELD-A TO FILE-FIELD-EDITED To remove trailing spaces (or possibly leading ones on the FILE-FIELD-EDITED var): use the instrinsic TRIM function: Provides the ability to perform tally, replace, tally and replace, and convert and tally trailing operations on a data item. Ferran, > I have updated the compiler and the runtime to make it possible the > inbstruction > > INSPECT xxxxx REPLACING TRAILING aaaa by bbbb. move 0 to populated. The compilation error: "ALPHANUMERIC FUNCTION REVERSE" was specified as the subject of "INSPECT", but a "CONVERTING" or "REPLACING" phrase was found. When identifier-1 is a DBCS data item, DBCS characters are counted; when identifier-1 is a data item of usage national, national characters (encoding units) are counted; otherwise, alphanumeric characters (bytes) are counted. Options: ARCH(11) Conditions: No BEFORE, AFTER, FIRST, or LEADING clause. The options used for the string operations are as follows −. NET COBOL ) Aug 6, 2009 · Am talking about FUNCTIOBN REVERSE with INSPECT REPLACING . Status: Abandoned Brought to you by: bgiroud , dessex , fwuthstrack , rpragana no mesmo todos terão a disposição os comandos da linguagem com a sintaxe e exemplos, todos os SQLCode's, todos os SQLState, todos os file status, um curso inicial sobre ORACLE, programas exemplos com SQL ou seja INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE, SELECT (estático e dinâmico), manipulação de datas com SQL, rotinas de calculo de NUMEROos (CPF, PIS/PASEP, CNPJ, etc), todos os comandos do CICS e muito Aug 28, 2021 · We offer video tutorials and live sessions on TSO/ISPF, JCL, VSAM, COBOL, DB2, CICS, REXX, IMS DB, and Assembler. Leading space and trailing space, you want to remove. INSPECT FLDH REPLACING ALL "B" BY "G". display ' -- method one -- ' inspect function reverse(one-a) tallying one-a-tly for leading spaces. MOVE Function TRIM(field) TO New-Field MOVE FUNCTION TRIM(Field, LEADING) TO New-field MOVE FUNCTION TRIM(Field, TRAILING) to New-FIeld. so ,my problem is : 1. INSPECT source [ TALLYING counter FOR TRAILING comp-value ] [ REPLACING TRAILING target BY replace] TRAILING is an ACUCOBOL-GT extension. If SEPARATE isn't specified, the sign will be stored in the zone of the leftmost or rightmost byte, depending on whether LEADING The INSPECT statement supports counting and modification of single characters or groups of characters within a data item. how can i get the actual length of ws-string. If no delimiter is found, replacing continues until the last character of the string. It works on an individual or group of characters in strings. Re: [Tiny-cobol-users] INSPECT REPLACING TRAILING COBOL compiler for the PC x86-32 platform. . This leaves only 3 options: Jun 14, 2004 · Johore Couple of ways to trim the trailing spaces. Further information. Jun 28, 2013 · In your example, you have three "types" of space. The REPLACING option enables you to replace all contiguous occurrences. TRAILING is an MF extension, used to find the rightmost occurrence or set of contiguous occurrences in a source data item. working-storage section. Jan 12, 2010 · 01 three-c pic x(80) value spaces. in this example is 25. 77 FILE-FIELD-EDITED PIC Z(17)9. String Handling Statements Tutorial BEFORE REPLACING: COBOL LANGUAGE IS A HIGH LEVEL LANGUAGE WS-CNT1: 04 WS-CNT2: 03 WS TALLYING phrase (formats 1 and 3) This phrase counts the occurrences of a specific character or special character in a data item. ?? Sample input record Expected output IBM Mainframe Forums -> JCL & VSAM Provides the ability to perform tally, replace, tally and replace, and convert and tally trailing operations on a data item. COBOL compiler for the PC x86-32 platform. I need to convert leading spaces/Low values to zeros. Tallying TRAILING is an MF extension, used to find the rightmost occurrence or set of contiguous occurrences in a source data item. These techniques ensure that leading zeros are removed from the number and displayed in a more reader-friendly manner. NET COBOL ) IBM Enterprise COBOL has the TRIM Function. The INSPECT statement supports counting and modification of single characters or groups of characters within a data item. Whats New INSPECT destination-field REPLACING TRAILING SPACES BY LOW-VALUES. Example #9: This replace will change all A to X. Inspect verb is used to count or replace the characters in a string. inspect long-field tallying leading-ctr for leading spaces. INSPECT CHAR-W81 TALLYING I-CTR FOR LEADING ZEROS. With Mr Bill's code, the leading space is easy. ALL CHARACTERS - Replace each occurrence of character with a ws-replacing-char. INSPECT REPLACING causes a the compiler to BALR to a COBOL Run Time routine, whereas, INSPECT CONVERTING (with literals) causes the compiler to build an in-line TR instruction with a Translate-Table. B. 2 Whats New. subtract space-ctr from 20 giving populated. Feb 16, 2009 · Suggest you do what is appropriate for this particular situation and leave the "other vairables" out of this. En este vídeo te explico como lo puedes manipular Jan 2, 2008 · Inspect with replace option will only work if length of source string is equal to the destination string you want to replace with. String operations can be performed on alphanumeric, numeric, or alphabetic values. Thanks Shyamala "Jim Morcombe" wrote: >This is not part of the standard 85. Either way, with the length of the data you are done. INSPECT Statement (JVM COBOL) INSPECT Statement ( JVM COBOL ) Apr 10, 2012 · Hi friends,I need a help on Cobol coding. However, unlike INSPECT REPLACING (which can only be used when the lengths of the old and new strings are the same), INSPECT VREPLACING allows you to replace strings of the same or different lengths. subtract one-a-tly from length of one-a giving one-a-len. So the question is "how to identify embedded space and trailing space as separate things". Sep 4, 2015 · inspect char-w81 replacing all spaces by zeros. Inspect operations are performed from left to right. INSPECT ws-input-string REPLACING [ALL|LEADING|FIRST] {CHARACTERS|ws-replaced-char} BY ws-replacing-char. oduq hgxy rhxzqi cdi ysjfqes snvpx qcbf frsjync hotr rpm