Almhofer osce.
Prethodni šefovi Misije OEBS-a na Kosovu.
Almhofer osce "The Ashkali community is among the most marginalized communities in Kosovo. Arms control; Border management; Combating trafficking in human beings; Countering terrorism; Conflict 923rd Plenary Meeting of the Permanent Council PRISHTINЁ/PRIŠTINA, 24 May 2011 – Participants at an OSCE-organized seminar that concluded today agreed that stronger co-operation between journalists and a working environment free from undue pressure are prerequisites for successful investigative reporting. Prishtinë/Priština, 13 April 2012 – The Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, Ambassador Werner Almhofer, welcomed today the promulgation of the new law on public broadcaster Radio Television of Kosovo (RTK). Ismatullo Nasredinov. PRIŠTINA, 20. Werner Almhofer, Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo Mr. godine – Uprkos poboljšanjima koja su proizašla iz sudske reforme na Kosovu, broj izazova i dalje utiče na nezavisno funkcionisanje pravosudnog sistema, zaključak je izveštaja koji je Misija OEBS-a na Kosovu predstavila danas. “Dhuna në familje është një nga abuzimet më të këqija. PRIŠTINA, 29. PRISHTINË/PRIŠTINA, 19 July 2012 – Despite an advanced legislative framework in place to protect and promote the rights of communities in Kosovo, only limited progress has been made in its implementation since 2010, says a report published today by the OSCE Mission in Kosovo. Jun 1, 2012 · The Head of OSCE Mission in Kosovo Ambassador Werner Almhofer (r), together with Kosovo Minister of Environment Dardan Gashi (c) and Mission Spokesperson Nikola Gaon (l), speak to the media before they joined 150 Mission volunteers during the “Let’s do it Kosovo” clean-up campaign, Prishtine/Pristina, 24 May 2012. org EU statement in response to the report by the Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, Ambassador Werner Almhofer The European Union welcomes the head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, Ambassador Werner Almhofer, back to the Permanent Council and would like to thank him for his comprehensive report. “Në Kosovë, nga 1,046 rasteve të raportuara në polici në vitin 2011, 804 viktima kanë qenë gra”. maj 2012. decembar 2011 – Ambasador Werner Almhofer, šef Misije OEBS-a na Kosovu, dao je danas, uoči Međunarodnog dana ljudskih prava koji se obeležava 10. OSCE will establish polling stations at 28 centers around Kosovo. Ambassador Almhofer, the United States joins other delegations in welcoming you back to What is the OSCE? Participating States; Partners for Co-operation; Chairmanship; Summits; Ministerial Councils; Permanent Council; Forum for Security Co-operation; Leadership; OSCE-related bodies; Funding and budget; History; What we do. “I am pleased to report that all 90 polling stations at the 28 locations opened this morning,” said the Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, Ambassador Werner Almhofer. "Kam kënaqësinë të raportoj hapjen me kohë të të gjitha vendvotimeve këtë mëngjes", tha shefi i Misionit të OSBE-së në Kosovë, Ambasadori Werner Almhofer. Sep 6, 2012 · Report by the Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, Ambassador Werner Almhofer. The United States joins other delegations in welcoming Ambassador Almhofer. The publication highlights the distinct attributes, needs and concerns of minority communities at municipal level, as well as the challenges they face. Oct 1, 2008 · PRISHTINE/PRISTINA, 1 October 2008 - Ambassador Werner Almhofer from Austria took office today as the new Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo. Report by the Personal Representative of the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office for Article IV of Annex 1-B of the Dayton Peace Accords, Major General Michele Torres. Human rights, fundamental freedoms and the rule of law in Azerbaijan. PRISHTINË/PRIŠTINA, 9 December 2011 – Ambassador Werner Almhofer, the Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, made the following statement today ahead of International Human Rights Day on 10 December: “More than twelve years have passed since the conflict in Kosovo. Former Heads of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo 2020-2024: Michael Davenport (United Kingdom) 2016-2020: Jan Braathu (Norway) 2012-2016: Jean-Claude Schlumberger (France) 2008-2012: Werner Almhofer (Austria) 2007-2008: Tim Guldimann (Switzerland) 2005-2007: Werner Wnendt (Germany) 2002-2005: Pascal Fieschi (Fran Feb 2, 2012 · Ambassador Almhofer, the OSCE Mission in Kosovo plays a critical role in assisting the development of Kosovo’s democracy and new institutions. "This decision was taken by the Finnish presidency, despite the objections from Serbia," the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement, AFP reports. Arms control; Border management; Combating trafficking in human beings; Countering terrorism; Conflict United States Mission to the OSCE Response to Head of OSCE Mission in Kosovo, Ambassador Almhofer As delivered by Chargé d’Affaires Carol Fuller to the Permanent Council, Vienna February 4, 2010 Thank you, Mister Chairman, Ambassador Almhofer, the United States joins other delegations in welcoming you back to What is the OSCE? Participating States; Partners for Co-operation; Chairpersonship; Summits; Ministerial Councils; Permanent Council; Forum for Security Co-operation; Leadership; OSCE-related bodies; Funding and budget; History; What we do. As delivered by Chargé d’Affaires Carol Fuller . AT THE MEETING OF THE OSCE PERMANENT COUNCIL 2 September 2010 In response to the report by Mr. Feb 12, 2009 · PRISHTINE/PRISTINA, 12 February 2009 - The head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, Ambassador Werner Almhofer, said he regretted that the Assembly of Kosovo failed again today to appoint an Ombudsperson PRISHTINË/PRIŠTINA, 24 July 2012 – Vulnerable communities in Kosovo face difficulties with civil registration which continue to hinder their social inclusion, says an OSCE report issued today. „Poštujući mrtve pokazujemo naše poštovanje za žive. „Drago mi je da saopštim da su svih 90 biračkih mesta ovog jutra otvorena na vreme,” rekao je šef Misije OEBS-a na Kosovu ambasador Werner Almhofer. PRISHTINE/PRISTINA, 29 November 2010 - The Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, Ambassador Werner Almhofer, condemned the latest incident in northern Kosovo in which the vehicle of a national mission member was set on fire. dor Werner Almhofer, Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, who guided the operation. United States Mission to the OSCE. PRISHTINË/PRIŠTINA, 20 May 2012 – Voter turnout in the second round of the balloting facilitation in Kosovo was reported at approximately 11 per cent by 14:00 hrs today by the OSCE Mission in Kosovo. OSCE PERMANENT COUNCIL 5 FEBRUARY 2009 RE: REPORT OF THE HEAD OF THE OSCE MISSION IN KOSOVO, AMBASSADOR WERNER ALMHOFER Madame Chairwoman: 1. Jun 29, 2012 · PRISHTINË/PRIŠTINA, 29 June 2012 – The Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, Ambassador Werner Almhofer, condemned today violent incidents that occurred throughout the day on 28 June and called for a thorough investigation of the incidents and allegations of excessive use of force by some police officers. In an interview for Radio Kosovo, the head of the OSCE in Kosovo, Werner Almhofer, said that after the declaration of independence, the OSCE mission has undergone changes - the budget has been reduced by 11 percent and the number of OSCE members has also decreased by 80 people. Rule of law and human rights issues in Kazakhstan. 2. The Holy See joins other Delegations in welcoming Ambassador Almhofer to the Permanent Council and thanks him for hi s written report and oral presentation. PRIŠTINA, 10. PRISHTINË, 10 nëntor 2011 - Shefi i Misionit të OSBE-së në Kosovë, Ambasadori Werner Almhofer, ka dënuar sot vrasjen e një serbi dhe plagosjen e dy të tjerëve në Mitrovicën veriore natën e kaluar. juna i pozvao na temeljnu istragu incidenata i navoda o prekomernoj upotrebi sile od strane nekih policijskih službenika. PRISHTINE/PRISTINA, 9 December 2009 - The implementation of effective policies for the integration of communities in cultural, social, economic and public life is key to building a multi-ethnic society in Kosovo, concludes an OSCE report published today. Report by the Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, Ambassador Werner Almhofer. "I congratulate the Assembly on the appointment. E. Death penalty in the United States of America. OSCE Mission in Kosovo, Ambassador Werner Almhofer. 58 per cent. The OSCE will not now organize the elections in Kosovo. PRIŠTINA, 16. We have listened carefully to his report on Sep 1, 2011 · Report by the Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, Ambassador Werner Almhofer. PRIŠTINA, 09. May 8, 2012 · PRISHTINË/PRIŠTINA, 8 May 2012 – The Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, Ambassador Werner Almhofer, welcomed today the decision to return for review to the Assembly of Kosovo certain provisions of the new criminal code in Kosovo that threaten to diminish media freedom. Report by the Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo Report by the Head of OSCE Mission in Kosovo, Ambassador Werner Almhofer. Sep 6, 2012 · As delivered by Ambassador Ian Kelly to the Permanent Council, Vienna September 6, 2012. es euoffice@osce. PRIŠTINA, 23. jul 2012 – Uprkos uspostavljenom naprednom zakonodavnom okviru za zaštitu i unapređenje prava zajednica na Kosovu, samo je mali napredak ostvaren u sprovođenju od 2010. osce@maec. Dec 16, 2011 · PRISHTINË/PRIŠTINA, 16 November 2011 – The OSCE Mission and the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports in Kosovo organized today a conference on youth participation in decision making for youth action councils, municipal staff and civil society representatives. Arms control; Border management; Combating trafficking in human beings; Countering terrorism; Conflict 849th Plenary Meeting of the Permanent Council What is the OSCE? Participating States; Partners for Co-operation; Chairpersonship; Summits; Ministerial Councils; Permanent Council; Forum for Security Co-operation; Leadership; OSCE-related bodies; Funding and budget; History; What we do. Thank you, Mr. 0Meta Navigation. "I am deeply concerned about this latest incident early today. Madame Chair, Two days ago we witnessed the initiation of a dialogue of the 56 OSCE participating States which we all hope will help us to overcome existing disagreements, strengthen OSCE. The death penalty in the United States of OSCE will bring and transport out all balloting materials, including the ballots. PRISHTINE/PRISTINA, 11 November 2009 - Kosovo institutions fall short of fulfilling their obligations under the Strategy for the Reintegration of Repatriated Persons, concludes an OSCE report published today. Ambassador Werner Almhofer, Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo (OMIK), back to the Permanent Council and would like to thank him for his detailed report. Prishtinë, 6 Maj 2012 – Pjesëmarrja e votuesve në zgjedhjet e mundësuara në Kosovë raportohet të jetë afërsisht 17 përqind deri në orën 14:00 të ditës së sotme nga Misioni i OSBE-së në Kosovë. May 20, 2012 · PRISHTINË/PRIŠTINA, 20 May 2012 – All OSCE-run polling stations in Kosovo closed today after the orderly completion of voting, according to the Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, Ambassador Werner Almhofer. Prishtine/Pristina, 20 May 2010 - Ambassador Werner Almhofer, the Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, expressed concern today about the demolition of the Hatunije Mosque and the continued threat to the cultural heritage of Old Prishtine/Pristina Town Jun 15, 2010 · PRISHTINE/PRISTINA, 15 June 2010 - War crimes cases in Kosovo must be dealt with in a timely manner and sufficient resources and support for witness protection are urgently needed, according to a report by the OSCE Mission in Kosovo presented today. Apr 8, 2010 · Until a permanent solution is found, those living in displacement should be offered more dignified conditions and the choice to better integrate, wherever they are," said Ambassador Werner Almhofer, the Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo. Chairman. Situation in Egypt. Major developments in Kosovo1 As regards the political scene during the reporting period2, a cabinet reshuffle was announced EU statement in response to the address by the Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, H. PRISHTINE/PRISTINA, 20 October 2010 - On the occasion of the Disability Mentoring Day, the Head of the OSCE Mission Ambassador Werner Almhofer welcomed today ten new staff members, persons with special needs, who work with the Mission temporarily Sep 10, 2009 · Decision No. novembar 2011 – Ambasador Werner Almhofer, šef Misije OEBS-a na Kosovu, osudio je danas, ubistvo kosovskog Srbina i ranjavanje druga dva prošle noći u severnoj Mitrovici. Forest fires in the Russian Federation. What is the OSCE? Participating States; Partners for Co-operation; Chairpersonship; Summits; Ministerial Councils; Permanent Council; Forum for Security Co-operation; Leadership; OSCE-related bodies; Funding and budget; History; What we do. Strategy 31 demonstrations in the Russian Federation. Arms control; Border management; Combating trafficking in human beings; Countering terrorism; Conflict . Arms control; Border management; Combating trafficking in human beings; Countering terrorism; Conflict PRISHTINE/PRISTINA, 15 December 2010 - Kosovo institutions have taken considerable steps to enhance the protection and promotion of non-Albanian community rights, but implementation of laws and a stronger institutional commitment is necessary to achieve full respect for their rights, according to a report by the OSCE Mission in Kosovo released toda What is the OSCE? Participating States; Partners for Co-operation; Chairpersonship; Summits; Ministerial Councils; Permanent Council; Forum for Security Co-operation; Leadership; OSCE-related bodies; Funding and budget; History; What we do. OSCE will staff the polling station boards. to the Permanent Council, Vienna . Arms control; Border management; Combating trafficking in human beings; Countering terrorism; Conflict PRISHTINË/PRIŠTINA, 15 September 2012 – The Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, Ambassador Werner Almhofer, marking International Democracy Day, highlighted the importance of public participation and transparency in political decision-making. PRISHTINË/PRIŠTINA, 19. Mission: Possible! Sep 1, 2011 · Report by the Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, Ambassador Werner Almhofer. Arms control; Border management; Combating trafficking in human beings; Countering terrorism; Conflict Statement by OSCE Head of Mission Werner Almhofer on World Press Freedom Day Since it was established by the UN General Assembly in 1993, World Press Freedom Day on 3 May reminds the public and the authorities that free media and freedom of expression are intrinsically tied to functioning democratic structures and prosperity. jun 2012. Ambassador Almhofer has devoted much of his career to Balkan affairs since joining the Austrian Foreign Ministry in 1992. Recent developments regarding Belarus. Your work is making a difference, and we note that Kosovo—through its laws, its constitution, and its actions—is proving that it shares the OSCE’s core values. Shefi i Misionit të OSBE-së, Ambasadori Werner Almhofer vizitoi disa vendvotime dhe takoi stafin e OSBE-së që po drejton vendvotimet. This understanding was the result of a long PRIŠTINA, 06. Ajo shkatërron familjet, dëmton fëmijët dhe ka efekt të vrazhdë në mbarë shoqërinë”, tha Ambasadori Werner Almhofer, Shef i Misionit të OSBE-së në Kosovë. Economic sanctions imposed on Belarus by the United States of America. 2020-2024: Michael Davenport (United Kingdom) 2016-2020: Jan Braathu 2012-2016: Jean-Claude Schlumberger (Francuska) 2008-2012: Werner Almhofer (Austrija) Decision No. Prethodni šefovi Misije OEBS-a na Kosovu. januar 2012. PRISHTINË/PRIŠTINA, 8 February 2011 - The OSCE Mission in Kosovo published today a comprehensive overview of demographic, socio-economic, and cultural data in local communities. Sep 10, 2009 · Decision No. OSCE Mission in Kosovo. Jan 24, 2012 · PRISHTINË/PRIŠTINA, 24 January 2012 – Despite improvements resulting from judicial reform in Kosovo, a number of challenges still affect independent functioning of the justice system, concludes the report by the OSCE Mission in Kosovo presented today. Arms control; Border management; Combating trafficking in human beings; Countering terrorism; Conflict What is the OSCE? Participating States; Partners for Co-operation; Chairmanship; Summits; Ministerial Councils; Permanent Council; Forum for Security Co-operation; Leadership; OSCE-related bodies; Funding and budget; History; What we do. Arms control; Border management; Combating trafficking in human beings; Countering terrorism; Conflict Deklaratë nga Ambasadori Werner Almhofer, Shef i Misionit të OSBE-së në Kosovë e dhënë në konferencën për shtyp, më 03 maj 2012. februar 2012. godine – Izlaznost glasača na Kosovu do 14:00 časova je otprilike 17 odsto, saopštila je OEBS-ova Misija na Kosovu. Arms control; Border management; Combating trafficking in human beings; Countering terrorism; Conflict Feb 2, 2012 · Ambassador Almhofer, the OSCE Mission in Kosovo plays a critical role in assisting the development of Kosovo’s democracy and new institutions. godine – Šef Misije OEBS-a na Kosovu, ambasador Werner Almhofer, osudio je danas paljevinu, koja je prošle noći, uništila jednu kuću kosovskog Srbina a drugu ozbiljno oštetila u selu Drenovac u opštini Klina. An international OSCE mission member will serve as coordinator for the polling station. Arms control; Border management; Combating trafficking in human beings; Countering terrorism; Conflict PRISHTINE/PRISTINA, 16 June 2010 - The OSCE Mission in Kosovo today launched the second phase of an awareness campaign to support the Press Council of Kosovo, the body in charge of handling complaints against newspapers What is the OSCE? Participating States; Partners for Co-operation; Chairmanship; Summits; Ministerial Councils; Permanent Council; Forum for Security Co-operation; Leadership; OSCE-related bodies; Funding and budget; History; What we do. Newsroom; 2008-2012: Werner Almhofer (Austri) 2007-2008: Tim Guldimann (Zvicër) What is the OSCE? Participating States; Partners for Co-operation; Chairmanship; Summits; Ministerial Councils; Permanent Council; Forum for Security Co-operation; Leadership; OSCE-related bodies; Funding and budget; History; What we do. The smell of fresh ink from the OSCE posters displaying voter information filled the air of the high school in the central Kosovo village of Donja Gušterica/Gushtericë e Ulët on 6 May. Chairman, The delegation of the Republic of Serbia warmly welcomes Ambassador Almhofer, Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo/ Serbia, back to the Permanent Council and thanks him for his PRISHTINË/PRIŠTINA, 9 July 2012 – The Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, Ambassador Werner Almhofer, condemned the murders of Milovan and Ljiljana Jevtić, Kosovo Serb returnees to the village of Talinovc i Muhaxherëve/Muhadžer Talinovac in Ferizaj/Uroševac municipality. godine – Misija OEBS-a na Kosovu i ministarstvo za kulturu, omladinu i sport organizovali su danas konferenciju o učešću mladih u procesu odlučivanja za omladinske akcione savete kao i za predstavnike opština i civilnog društva. PRISHTINE/PRISTINA, 29 April 2009 - Kosovo's schools need to do more to promote intercultural education and provide students from non-majority communities with opportunities to learn about their culture, found an OSCE Mission report presented today What is the OSCE? Participating States; Partners for Co-operation; Chairpersonship; Summits; Ministerial Councils; Permanent Council; Forum for Security Co-operation; Leadership; OSCE-related bodies; Funding and budget; History; What we do. Mar 8, 2011 · PRISHTINË/PRIŠTINA, 8 March 2011 – The Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo Ambassador Werner Almhofer called today for the enhanced participation of women in political and social life, on the occasion of the 100th International Women’s Day. The Head of the OSCE Mission, Ambassador Werner Almhofer, visited several polling stations and met the OSCE staff running the balloting facilitation centres. PRISHTINË/PRIŠTINA, 13 September 2011 – Despite tangible progress achieved by Kosovo institutions in policy development and the establishment of institutional mechanisms, the implementation of the Revised Strategy for the Reintegration of Repatriated Persons continues to lag behind, concludes an OSCE report published today. Eligible voters will file in and be provided with a ballot Prishtinë, 13 prill 2012 – Shefi i Misionit të OSBE-së në Kosovë Ambasadori Werner Almhofer ka përshëndetur sot dekretimin e ligjit të ri për transmetuesin publik, Radio Televizionit të Kosovës (RTK). We appreciate the valuable Remarks to the media on the OSCE's ballot facilitation exercise, 3 May 2012. Presidential elections in Kazakhstan. oktobra. Prishtinë/Priština, 24 February 2012 – The Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, Ambassador Werner Almhofer, expressed today his concern over recent security incidents affecting the Kosovo Serb community in the Gjilan/Gnjilane region, eastern Kosovo. Omladinski akcioni saveti osnovani su, uz podršku Misije, širom Kosova 2011. Ambassador Almhofer expressed deep concern about the 6 July incident, an What is the OSCE? Participating States; Partners for Co-operation; Chairmanship; Summits; Ministerial Councils; Permanent Council; Forum for Security Co-operation; Leadership; OSCE-related bodies; Funding and budget; History; What we do. Arms control; Border management; Combating trafficking in human beings; Countering terrorism; Conflict 878th Plenary Meeting of the Permanent Council What is the OSCE? Participating States; Partners for Co-operation; Chairpersonship; Summits; Ministerial Councils; Permanent Council; Forum for Security Co-operation; Leadership; OSCE-related bodies; Funding and budget; History; What we do. Sep 15, 2011 · PRISHTINЁ/PRIŠTINA, 15 September 2011 – On the occasion of International Democracy Day, 15 September, Ambassador Werner Almhofer, the Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, made the following statement: “More than half population in Kosovo is between the ages of 14 and 25 and their participation in public life and political decision making is critical AMBASSADOR WERNER ALMHOFER, HEAD OF THE OSCE MISSION IN KOSOVO/ SERBIA, AT THE 827th MEETING OF THE OSCE PERMANENT COUNCIL 2 September 2010 Mr. Arms control; Border management; Combating trafficking in human beings; Countering terrorism; Conflict PRISHTINË/PRIŠTINA, 14 April 2011 – More focus on youth empowerment is needed at both central and local level, concluded participants in a conference on youth organized today by the OSCE Mission in Kosovo and the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports. godine – Šef Misije OEBS-a na Kosovu, ambasador Werner Almhofer izrazio je danas zabrinutost povodom nedavnih bezbednosnih incidenata koji pogađaju zajednicu kosovskih Srba u gnjilanskom regionu, u istočnom Kosovu. Annual State of the Nation Address by the President of Kazakhstan, delivered on 28 January 2011 What is the OSCE? Participating States; Partners for Co-operation; Chairmanship; Summits; Ministerial Councils; Permanent Council; Forum for Security Co-operation; Leadership; OSCE-related bodies; Funding and budget; History; What we do. „Više od dvanaest godina je prošlo od konflikta na Kosovu. September 2, 2010. PRISHTINË/PRIŠTINA, 23 May 2012 – The Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, Ambassador Werner Almhofer, condemned today the arson that destroyed one Kosovo Serb’s house and seriously damaged another’s in Drenoc/Drenovac village in Klinë/Klina municipality last night. Nov 10, 2011 · PRISHTINË/PRIŠTINA, 10 November 2011 – The Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, Ambassador Werner Almhofer, condemned today the killing of a Kosovo Serb and the wounding of two others in northern Mitrovicë/Mitrovica last night. godine, ističe izveštaj koji je danas objavila Misija OEBS-a na Kosovu. Arms control; Border management; Combating trafficking in human beings; Countering terrorism; Conflict Opštine na Kosovu, koje su odgovorne za održavanje pravoslavnih grobalja, rade to povremeno i u retkim slučajevima, ističe izveštaj koji je Misija OEBS-a predstavila u Prištini, 26. Law on National Councils of National Minorities in Serbia. Recent developments in Georgia. Arms control; Border management; Combating trafficking in human beings; Countering terrorism; Conflict What is the OSCE? Participating States; Partners for Co-operation; Chairpersonship; Summits; Ministerial Councils; Permanent Council; Forum for Security Co-operation; Leadership; OSCE-related bodies; Funding and budget; History; What we do. Jun 4, 2009 · PRISHTINE/PRISTINA, 4 June 2009 - The head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, Ambassador Werner Almhofer, welcomed the Assembly of Kosovo's appointment today of Sami Kurteshi as Ombudsperson, filling a post that has been vacant for more than three years. Austrian diplomat Werner Almhofer assumed the post of Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo on 1 October 2008, succeeding Tim Guldimann of Switzerland. The United States joins in welcoming back Ambassador Almhofer to the Permanent Council, and we thank you for another comprehensive and enlightening report. Nënshkrimi i ligjit dje ka përfunduar procesin politik i cili kishte përshirë diskutime me institucionet dhe ekspertët vendor dhe ndërkombëtar. Freedom of the media in the Member States of the European Union. Arms control; Border management; Combating trafficking in human beings; Countering terrorism; Conflict United States Mission to the OSCE Response to Report by HoM in Kosovo, Ambassador Werner Almhofer As delivered by Chargé d' Affaires Kyle Scott to the Permanent Council, Vienna February 5, 2009 Madam Chairwoman. PRISHTINE/PRISTINA, 21 October 2010 - The Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo Ambassador Werner Almhofer made the following statement today: "We are concerned about the recent attacks in northern Kosovo in which property of local residents was damaged. We thank him for his reports, both written and oral. Situation in Kyrgyzstan. PRISHTINË/PRIŠTINA, 6 May 2012 – All 90 polling stations in the OSCE-run balloting facilitation in Kosovo opened today by 08:15 hrs. Jul 1, 2010 · PRISHTINE/PRISTINA, 2 July 2010 - The OSCE Mission in Kosovo condemned the violence today in northern Mitrovica/Mitrovice, in particular the use of explosive devices and firearms Oct 5, 2011 · Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, Ambassador Werner Almhofer holds a welcome speech at athe conference on environment crime organized by the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, Prishtinë/Priština, 05 October 2011. The Foreign Ministry of Russia has strongly opposed the "unilateral" appointment of the Austrian diplomat Werner Almhofer to the post of head of the OSCE mission in Kosovo. Arms control; Border management; Combating trafficking in human beings; Countering terrorism; Conflict welcome at this meeting of the Permanent Council to Ambassador Werner Almhofer, Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo/ Serbia. decembra, sledeću izjavu. Situation of members of the Roma community in participating States of the OSCE. Ranije ove nedelje, 20. It is especially worrying that a civil society representative was among those targeted. What is the OSCE? Participating States; Partners for Co-operation; Chairmanship; Summits; Ministerial Councils; Permanent Council; Forum for Security Co-operation; Leadership; OSCE-related bodies; Funding and budget; History; What we do. PRISHTINË/PRIŠTINA, 11 July 2012 - The OSCE Mission in Kosovo calls for increased co-operation between independent oversight institutions and the Assembly of Kosovo in a report launched today on the status of their relations. „Izražavam svoje najdublje saučešće porodici Save Mojsića i želim brz oporavak Veljku Đorđeviću i Radošu Vukićeviću“ – rekao je Almhofer. Feb 14, 2009 · PRISHTINE/PRISTINA, 14 February 2009 - The Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, Ambassador Werner Almhofer, today called for the full integration of the Ashkali community into Kosovo society in a statement released ahead of 15 February, designated as Ashkali Day in Kosovo. Arms control; Border management; Combating trafficking in human beings; Countering terrorism; Conflict Report by the Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, Ambassador Werner Almhofer. Arms control; Border management; Combating trafficking in human beings; Countering terrorism; Conflict PRISHTINË/PRIŠTINA, 10 December 2011 – The Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, Ambassador Werner Almhofer, congratulated today the public and their elected representatives on the tenth anniversary of the Assembly of Kosovo. godine – Svih 90 OEBS-ovih biračkih mesta na Kosovu otvoreno je jutros do 7:15 časova. Arms control; Border management; Combating trafficking in human beings; Countering terrorism; Conflict PRISHTINË/PRIŠTINA, 7 September 2012 - The Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, Ambassador Werner Almhofer condemned today this morning’s attack on EULEX and Kosovo police vehicles in the village of Donje Verage/Varagë e Poshtme in northern Kosovo. Jul 15, 2011 · The OSCE Chairperson-in-Office, Lithuanian Foreign Minister Audronius Ažubalis (l), takes in a view of Prishtinë/Priština from the top of the Mission’s Headquarters, with the Head of the Mission in Kosovo, Ambassador Werner Almhofer, 8 July 2011. Madame Chair, In a few months time the OSCE Mission in Kosovo will be entering the tenth year of its presence in the south Serbian province. Arms control; Border management; Combating trafficking in human beings; Countering terrorism; Conflict Apr 8, 2018 · PRISHTINË/PRIŠTINA, 8 April 2011 – The OSCE Mission in Kosovo today launched a project to support production of programmes in languages other than Albanian at the Radio and Television of Kosovo (RTK). Prishtinë, 20 maj 2012 - Të gjitha 90 vendvotimet në zgjedhjet e mundësuara nga OSBE janë hapur sot në orën 07:15. Prior to his OSCE appointment, he had been serving esp. Elections in the breakaway region of Abkhazia in Georgia, held on 26 August 2011. Case against a human rights defender in Kazakhstan. PRIŠTINA, 24. The reported provisional turnout was 23. 899. godine – Šef Misije OEBS-a na Kosovu, ambasador Werner Almhofer, osudio je danas nasilne incidente koji su se desili tokom dana 28. Prior to his appointment, Ambassador Almhofer was the Austrian ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina, a post he held since March 2005. Chairperson, We associate ourselves with the words of welcome addressed to the Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, Mr. Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe. 4th annual Bled Strategic Forum in Slovenia. Šef Misije OEBS-a, Werner Almhofer, posetio je nekoliko biračkih mesta i susreo se sa osobljem OEBS-a koji rade na biračkim mestima. Ambassador Werner Almhofer The European Union warmly welcomes H. Prior to taking up the agenda, the Chairperson, on behalf of the Permanent Council, welcomed the Permanent Representative of Belgium to the OSCE, Ambassador Bruno Georges, the Permanent Representative of Sweden to the OSCE, Ambassador Fredrik Löjdquist, and the Permanent Representative of Tajikistan to the OSCE, Mr. Response to Report by Head of . novembar 2011. Report of the Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo Ambassador Werner Almhofer to the OSCE Permanent Council 02 September 2010 A) Political and security overview 1. "Strpce/Shterpce is a municipality with a great potential for economic development and tourism. Ambassador Werner Almhofer, Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo/ Serbia, to the Permanent Council and thank him for his reports, both written and oral. Werner Almhofer. OSCE Permanent Council Nr 827 Vienna, 2 September 2010 EU statement in response to the report of the Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, Ambassador Werner Almhofer The European Union warmly welcomes Ambassador Werner Almhofer, Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, back to the Permanent Council and would like to thank him for his comprehensive report. May 6, 2012 · PRISHTINË/PRIŠTINA, 6 May 2012 – Voter turnout in the ballot facilitation in Kosovo was reported at approximately 17 per cent by 14:00 hrs today by the OSCE Mission in Kosovo. PRISHTINE/PRISTINA, 5 July 2010 - The Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, Ambassador Werner Almhofer, condemned a firearm attack in northern Mitrovica/Mitrovice today that injured Petar Miletic, a member of the Assembly of Kosovo May 9, 2011 · PRISHTINЁ/PRIŠTINA, 9 May 2011 – While there has been progress in some areas, Kosovo institutions still are not creating adequate conditions for integration of the Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities, is a conclusion of report presented today by the OSCE Mission in Kosovo. Elections in the breakaway region of Abkhazia in Georgia, held on 26 August PRISHTINË/PRIŠTINA, 30 May 2011 – Kosovo institutions provide communities and other vulnerable groups with much needed humanitarian transportation services, but a lack of coordination and procedural oversight have left the service unresponsive to the evolving needs of users, concludes an OSCE report published today. yroyfufbeywzobrznywlzixmsakdfeelqplpxgvwwervdwcxyqq